Canada: Conflict and Cooperation

  • World war

    World war
    Germany and Britain were already in trouble because they didn't like the fact that Britain had control over the world ocean and market. In 1914 Britain declared war on Germany because of the death of Archduke Ferdinard of Austria who was killed while walking through serbian.
  • Continuation

    They didn't know how long the war would have lasted or its impact, around that time the doctors discovered a lot of health problems. Canada sent some of their people to help in the war and that was progress helping another country with their problem. I would give this a +2 because it was not Canadian war to fight but they still help out and that's progress.
  • St. Lawrence River

    St. Lawrence River
    The St Lawrence River links Canada and the United States to western Europe and a huge part of the world. Canada and the United States started a navigation project and finished it in 1959. After the project the river system became one of the most heavily used international trade routes. Based on the information I think it is an example of progress because two countries came together and created something everybody can use so I would give it +2.
  • Canadian act

    Canadian act
    Before the people of Canada were called Canadian citizens they were known as the British subjects because Britain was in control of the land. Because they took over the land Canadians were called British subjects but mainly Canadian citizens. I would give this event a +2 because I think they made progress by putting their main identification as Canadian citizens instead of British subjects. that was a huge step it shows that even though they own the land which is called Canada they
  • continuation

    shouldn't have a say in what the people are called.
  • Montreal host summer Olympics

    Montreal host summer Olympics
    The Montreal summer Olympic games cost the people of Canada and Quebec a lot of money which takes decades to replace. Montreal had 32 world records and a host of memorable performances. They always light the torch before the games because it signifies peace and friendship along its route. I would give this event a ranking of -1. It is an example of decline because it put Canada and Quebec in debt for decades.
  • Afghanistan

    The war started in Afghanistan because of the September 11 attack. Al Qaeda hijacked four planes. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers, the third one hit the pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The last plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 30,000 people were killed during the attack.
  • Continuation

    After the Taliban government refuse to hand over Osama Bin Laden their terrorist leader the United states enter Afghanistan by force and some of the Canadian soldiers joined them in Afghanistan. On Friday morning, three Canadians died on patrol in Kandal bringing the country's military death toll in Afghanistan to one hundred. I am going to give this event a +2 because Canada went and helped America with violence and in my opinion that's progress.
  • sites

    Britannica school