
By isa.
  • 1353 BCE

    the black dead

    the black dead
    The Black Death or Black Death was the most devastating bubonic plague pandemic in human history.
  • Period: 15 to 18

    The Christmas carol

    The Christmas carol is a musical and poetic form in Castilian and Portuguese traditional from Spain, very popular between the 15th and 18th centuries.
  • 476

    the end of the Renaissance

    the end of the Renaissance
    the Renaissance ends by the natural evolution of its customs, trends, concerns or tastes of each era, in each society
  • 476

    beggining of the middle ages 476

    beggining of the middle ages 476
    with the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire and ends with the fall of the Byzantine Empire at the hands of the Ottoman Turks XV century
  • 680

    gregoriant chant

    gregoriant chant
    Gregorian was the liturgical chant of the Church of Rome, influenced by Gallican in the second half of the 8th century
  • Period: 710 to 1492

    the reconquest of the christian kingdoms

    Fue un proceso tan complejo como la estructura política de la península durante ese dilatado período.
  • 711

    the muslim conquest

    the muslim conquest
    The Muslim conquest began on July 19, 711, when on the banks of the Guadalete, the Arab and Berber troops of Táriq,
  • 827

    the appointment of Pope Gregory IV

    the appointment of Pope Gregory IV
    He was proclaimed a doctor of the Church on September 20, 1295 by Boniface VIII. He was also the first monk to attain pontifical dignity
  • Period: 1000 to 1350

    the polyphony

    Polyphony in music is a type of musical texture in which multiple melodic voices that are largely independent or imitative of each other sound simultaneously.
  • Period: 1180 to 1520

    Gothic art

    Gothic art was a denomination of the artistic style that developed in Western Europe during the last centuries of the Middle Ages,
  • Period: 1428 to 1429

    The siege of Orleans

    The siege of Orleans, or Battle of Orleans, was one of the clashes fought in the final phase of the Hundred Years' War
  • 1429

    The Siege of Orleans

    The Siege of Orleans
    The Siege of Orleans, or Battle of Orleans, was one of the clashes fought in the final phase of the Hundred Years' War,
  • 1453

    fall of the Byzantine empire,

    fall of the Byzantine empire,
    The capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans ends the Byzantine Empire
  • 1492

    the end of the middle ages

    the end of the middle ages
    he year of the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and its end in 1492, the year Columbus arrived in America