Brain Damage Films Present
A Blumhouse Production
A Tayla Humphris Film
Establishing shot of girl running in field -
Establishing Shot- Girl runs through fields
DORMANT (title)
Long Shot of girl crossing the street
Gelsomina De Lucia
Mid shot from behind of girl walking through gate
Chelsea Hopkins
Mid shot of girl approaching front door
Over the shoulder girl unlocks door and walks though
Match on Action | Mid shot walks towards camera
Mid shot from behind girl walks
Mid shot continues to walk
Mid shot from behind and approaches table
High angle places belongings on table and turns to door
Cutaway | Close up girl takes off shoes
Music By Michael Mahoney
Over shoulder walks towards door and pulls back curtain
Long shot | Outside walks through back door in curiosity
Film Editor Kelly Morales
Mid shot from behind walks into middle of grass
360 degree | Mid shot looks to see if anything is there
Mid shot | Two shot girl gets bit
Low Angle girl gets bit
Mid shot | Two shot girl gets bit
Close up rib cage is ripped and starts bleeding
Mid shot | Low Angle of legs
Close up girl is pushed to the ground
Low Angle girl is flat on the ground and Zombie crawls after her
Low Angle girl crawls towards camera
High Angle Zombie bites girl on leg
POV of Zombie on top of girl
Low Angle girl reaches hammer
Mid Shot girl starts to hit Zombie
POV of Zombie getting hit
Mid Shot girl continues to hit Zombie
Mid Shot runs back into house
Mid Shot from behind and runs out the door
Directed By Tayla Humprhs
Long shot runs in field
Close Up of the cut on leg- walking past frame
Mid shot falls to ground
Mid shot struggles to get up and falls on her back
High angle from above girl tosses in pain
Close up of eyes changing
Black out