• Russian Revolution

  • Start of WWII

  • VE day

  • Hiroshima

  • Nagasaki

  • VJ Day

  • United Nations created

  • George Kennans telegram: containment

  • Iron Curtain speech

  • Truman Doctrine

  • Czechoslovakia Coup: becomes communist

  • Marshall plan approved

  • Berlin Airlift begins

  • NATO is formed

  • First successful Soviet Atomic test

  • China becomes communist

  • Korean War starts

  • Stalin dies; Krushchev takes over

  • Date Korean war ends

  • Warsaw Pact created

  • Hungarian revolt

  • Sputnik launch

  • U2 spyplane incident

  • Berlin Wall goes up

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resoluton

  • Prague Spring

  • Leonid Brezhnev doctrine

  • Apollo 11

  • Fall of Saigon

  • Soviets invade Afghanistan

  • Polish Workers strikeat Gdansk Shipyard

  • Lech Walesa wins the Nobel Prize

  • Ronad Reagan gives speech at Brandenburg gate

  • Soveits retreat from Afghanistan

  • Berlin Wall comes down

  • Gorbachev becomes the leader of the USSR

  • CIS (commonwealth of Independent States) is created