
  • 1400

    European trade

    European started to sale southThey were looking for a good and spices In China and then begin to trade with Africa.
  • 1500

    Trading slaves

    Slavery was a thing before Europeans showed up but Europe increased Slavery And just made it worse.
  • 1500

    African I treated very badly

    If Their parents don't do what the Europeans say Their kids arms get chopped off.
  • Bridge control

    Europeans knew that Africa had could trade goods so they want to control the bridge so they didn't have to pay but everybody else had to pay if They wanted to pass.
  • Taking land

    Britain's grabbed one land in western wow well France sees land from West Africa.
  • Rebellion

    Africans begin to rebel against conization And world at war two because they didn't like it.
  • Independence for Africa

    Africa got the independence from British.
  • Grabbing all the land

    There was one piece of African land left Then European took it.
  • Idea

    Kwame Nkrumah came up with a solution and that was Pan-Africanism.
  • Political organization

    the Political party started to perform Political organizationIn.
  • Part-time Long long LAW

    White Africans got a part-time LAW.
  • Sudan independence

    Sudan gained its independence from Great Britain.
  • The war

    The war ended In didn't 2005 because they're trying to fight because they didn't like the rules.
  • Inspired

    inspired the other guys Nnamdi Azikiwe and Jomo Kenyatta To fight for agitate for freedom.
  • Independent

    Africa was not the best country after their independence country eco-normally.
  • Nigeria's independence

    Nigeria became independent after the struggle against the British to get it.
  • Belgian Congo became independent

    Belgian Congo became independent.
  • Rwanda Independent

    Rwanda Independence came and people were independent there.
  • Earned independency

    Kenya became independent after fighting for forever It took a long time.
  • Nelson Mandela

    He was sentenced and put in prison for his actions.
  • Broken government

    Belgian had a failed government and as a result Joseph Mobutu ruled For 32 years.
  • Suffer

    Nigeria suffered abuse ethnic groups.
  • FW Clark

    He was elected president for Africa and you realize this part Thai cannot continue.
  • Nelson Mandela was released from prison

    FW Clerk help Nelson Mandela get out if prison.
  • FW ClarkAnd Nelson Mandela

    They won a Nobel Prize for an been a part ti.
  • Nelson Mandela elected president

    Africa had its first opening electionI And Nelson Mandela was elected president.
  • Violence continue

    Hutu Violence continued until people had enough of it and ended it.
  • Better government

    Tunisia people begin bug for a new government.
  • Recognize independence

    Sudan basically recognized south SedanI Independen.
  • Ben Al

    Been aL resigned because people are not happy about the things That was happening.
  • Libya

    People of Libya wanted a new government and Muammar Qaddafi that was there before wouldn't stepped down so they killed him.
  • Hosni Mubarak.

    He was a dictator and they made him resign.
  • Morses

    Mousses term was short because it was overthrown by army.