Purchase of Alaska (Domestic)
U.S trade abroad increases (Foreign)
Chinese Exclusion Act (Foreign)
Plessy Vs. Ferguson/ Era of Jim Crow legalized segregation- 1954 (Foreign)
Age of U.S Imperialism begins Spanish- American War, territory gained Hawaii is annexed (Foreign)
Open Door Policy (Domestic)
T. Roosevelt “Big Stick” Diplomacy (Foreign)
McKinley is assasinated- T.R becomes president (Domestic)
Teddy Roosevelt elected. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine is established. Us begins building the Panama Canal, with a 99 year lease (Domestic)
T. Roosevelt’s SQUARE DEAL. Meat inspection act (Domestic)
Gentlemen’s agreement (Foreign)
William Howard Taft is elected president (Domestic)
16th and 17th Amendments added to Constitution Federal Reserve Act (Domestic)
Clayton AntiTrust Act l- strengthens the Sherman Anti Trust Act. World War 1 Erupts (Foreign)
Germans Sinking Lusitania, American Passengers die (Foreign)
National Park Service created U.S interventions in Mexico (Foreign)
Zimmerman Note. US enters World War 1, 4.8 million Americans served (Foreign)
World War 1 ends, Woodrow Wilson writes the Fourteen Points. 51,000 American Casualties. Flue Pandemic- 500 million people affected worldwide (Foreign)
18 Amendment: Prohibition. U.S senate rejects the Treaty Of Versailles. League of Nations formed, USA does not join (Foreign)
Great Migration Of African Americans to the North (Foreign)
19 Amenment: Women’s Suffrage (Domestic)
Harlem Renaissance (Domestic)
Return To normalcy. U.S becomes isolationist, rise of Nativism (Domestic)
Emergency Quota Act- drastically reduced number of immigrants (Foreign)