Period: to
Date of Birth
Weight-17.1 lbs Length-25"
17.1 lbs
25" -
Period: to
First Two Years
First steps
Went to Oscoda, MI with my parents, sister and brother
Period: to
Early Childhood
Weight-52 lbs Length-44"
Began recieving help to improve my reading skills in the 2nd grade
Begining of 5th grade, I began to pick out my outfits for school
Period: to
Middle Childhood
Weight- 84lbs Length-57"
Played the violin in 6th grade music class
I started to care about my apperance and how I dressed
Period: to
Took a government class in 10th grade and began to take an intrest in polotics
Went to my senior prom after getting my hair and nails done
Weight-140lbs Length-70"
Death Year