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Timeline 1999-Present

  • Birth

    I was born on April 5, 1999 at St. Mary's Hospital in Madison. I was the first girl born into my family. A fun fact is that when my Nana was first holding me she was counting my toes and fingers and she saw I had webbed toes.
  • Birth of Younger Brother

    Birth of Younger Brother
    June 6th was the day I became a big sister. I promised him that I wouldn't allow anyone hurt him till the day I die. He has always been there for me and we love to pick a fight with each other.
  • 9/11

    The Twin Towers (World Trade Center) were attacked in New York Cityand the Pentagon was attacked by planes that were high-jacked. I remember when my parents came and picked me up from day care, I could tell something was wrong, but I was too young to understand. It effects me everytime I have to fly becasue I have to go through extra sercurity than before 9/11.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    The war in Afghanistan is the period in which the United States invaded the country after the September 11 attacks, supported initially by close allies, and eventually by the wider North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationWhen the war in Afghanistan started my aunt and family friend were sent over to fight for freedom. One day my family got a call say he had died, it very devastating to all of us.
  • Got Stitches

    Got Stitches
    Every year my family and I go up to my Papa's trailer. During this trip to the trailer, my brother, cousins, and I were playing and we were going up some stairs and I fell and split my chin open. When got stiches the hospital gave me a bear to show how brave I was and I still have the bear today to help show me how much bravery in myself.
  • 38th Counrty Music Awards

    38th Counrty Music Awards
    The show aired on November 9th 2004 some artists who recieved awards were Kenny Chesney, Martina McBride, and Keith Urban. Kenny Chesney has been one of my favorite country singers. Every year I have watched the Country Music Awards to see if any of my favorite singers win an award and perform. Someday I hope to go see a show in person.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    It happened on August 23, 2005 – August 31, 2005.it was catorgorized as a category 5 Hurricane. The highest recorded wind speed was 174 mph. I remember sitting at home hearing about when the hurricane first hit, but I never followed it. Later in school we got a new student who had moved because her home was wrecked by the hurricane, and we became good friends.
  • High School Musical Comes out

    High School Musical Comes out
    The movie was released on January 20, 2006. It was director by Kenny Ortega and producer by Don Schain. High school was one of my favorites movies growing up, I had memorized to words to all the songs by the third time watching it. I even had on of my birthday party's themed as High School Musical.
  • First Trip to Disney World

    First Trip to Disney World
    Going to Disney was my favorite vacation that i've been on so far. It was the first time I got to take off of school to go on a vacation. It meant so much that I got to go on the trip with my family and my Nana and Papa. While I was there I lost one of my teeth and got to show it off in the pictures we took.
  • Kenney Chesney Concert

    Kenney Chesney Concert
    Kenney Chesney was my one of my favorite country singers and for my birthday my parents gave me tickets to go to his concert at the kohls Center. While I was at the concert a security guard came up to me and gave me one of Kenny's guitar picks and to this day I still have it framed on my bedroom wall.
  • Ipod Touch comes out

    Ipod Touch comes out
    When the Ipod touch first came out there was a big damand by people. It was an easy way to communicate with friends with apps. Apps were also used for gaming you could bring with you where ever you go. Once the Ipod came out I wanted one, so I asked for one for Christmas that tear which I got. It changed the way I learned because I had downloaded apps tha t would help me learn new things. Til this day I still use my Ipod for games, music, and texting with my friends.
  • Presidental Election

    Presidental Election
    The election was between Obama and McCain. After the election was held obama had 365 electoral votes and McCain had 173 electoral votes. Obama won the race. I remember having our own election at our school where we got to vote for who we wanted. I helped me understand the process of how a presidental election works for when I get older.
  • Boston Bombing

    Boston Bombing
    It began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon. It killed 3 people and injuried an estimated 264 others. Days went by where the bombers weren't found by officals. Later one had died and the other was taken to jail. This taught me that anything could happen at anytime and that any person could have done this. I had friends that were running in the marathon, but luckly none of them were by the bombs when they went off.
  • Grandpa Died

    Grandpa Died
    It was the day that I lost my best friend, that was there for all my special events. He would always try to make it to my basketball games. When he died I quit basketball because I wouldn't have my biggest fan there to cheer me on.
  • Easter/16th Birthday

    Easter/16th Birthday
    On this day I got to spend my birthday with the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead. It meant so much to me to be so connected through God/Jesus that I felt like it was a chance to be reborn myself.
  • Got my Drivers License

    Got my Drivers License
    The day I got my license I was very nervous that I won't pass, but my dad took me out one last time to practice before the test and that really helped. Once I got in the car with the Observer I wasn't nervous anymore and I passed my test.
  • Confirmation

    This is the day where I was into God's arms. I worked for years to acomplish this and I achived it. It means so much to me to know that God is there with me when I need a little faith.