
By linzhuo
  • 1492


    Columbus reaches America; claims for Spain
  • 1498


  • May 20, 1498


    1498 May 20: Italian explorer John Cabot ( Giovanni Caboto ) explores the coast of Georgia.
    For the first time in history, Georgia appeared
  • 1507


    In 1507, the new world was named America
  • Sep 29, 1526


    1526 September 29 - First colony established by Lucas Vazques de Ayllon. The first colony in Georgia was established
  • 1529


    Philosopher wang yangming died
  • 1540


    Spanish Hernando de Soto (1500-1542) explored Georgia, almost all of Georgia was controlled by the Creeks. Georgia. Georgia was still in the hands of the native people
  • 1563


    Qi jiguang wiped out the Japanese pirates in the southeast coast
  • 1565


    In 1565, the Spanish founded St. Augustine, the first European city in North America
  • 1726(CHN)

    The Qing dynasty carried out the policy of land conversion
  • 1728(CHN)

    Emperor Yongzheng kept a secret reserve
  • 1730(U.S.)

    The colony experienced the great awakening religious revival by Jonathan Edwards, George whitefield, and gilbert tennant
  • 1730(GA)

    July 30 1730: James Oglethorpe and 20 associates petition King George II for a royal charter to establish a colony southwest of Carolina. Oglethorpe was a British soldier, Member of Parliament, and philanthropist, as well as the founder of the colony of Georgia.
  • 1733(U.S.)

    By 1733, Britain had established thirteen colonies on the eastern seaboard of the United States.
  • 1733(GA)

    The first Creek Native Indian cession. Georgia began to become a colony
  • 1742(GA)

    Jul 7, A Spanish force invading Georgia ran headlong into the colony's British defenders. A handful of British and Spanish colonial troops faced each other on a Georgia coastal island and decided the fate of a colony.
  • 1756(U.S.)

    In 1756, the seven years' war between Britain and France spread to North America
  • 1763(CHN)

    Famous author Cao xueqin died
  • 1763(GA)

    A Crown grant was made to Henry Laurens of Georgia, who later succeeded John Hancock as president of the Continental Congress in 1777. Laurens obtained control of the South Altamaha river lands and named it New Hope Plantation.
  • 1767(U.S.)

    Mason-Dixon Line surveyed
  • 1769(CHN)

    The Qianlong emperor was constantly reviving the literary inquisition
  • 1777(U.S.)

    Congress adopts the Articles of Confederation
  • 1778(GA)

    Dec 29, British troops, attempting a new strategy to defeat the colonials in America, captured Savannah, the capital of Georgia. Savannah was established as Georgia's first capital
  • 1782(CHN)

    Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature was published.
  • 1785(GA)

    The University of Georgia was the first state university chartered, in 1785, but was not established until 1801. The University of North Carolina was chartered in 1789 and was the first state university in the U.S. to begin instruction, in 1795.
  • 1789(U.S.)

    Bill of Rights passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification
  • 1790(CHN)

    Hui Ban came into Beijing
  • 1812(GA)

    Feb 11, Alexander Hamilton Stephens , Vice Pres (Confederacy), was born near Crawfordville, Georgia. Stephens, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1843 to 1859, was a delegate at the Montgomery meeting that formed a new union of the seceded states. He was elected vice president to Jefferson Davis on February 9, 1861. Stephens was later elected governor of Georgia in 1882 but died after serving just a few months.
  • 1812(CHN)

  • 1816(U.S.)

    This 1816 map by John Melish (1771–1822) is the first to show the United States as a continental state, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.
  • 1840(U.S.)

    Father Ioann Veniaminov translates the Gospel of Saint Matthew into Aleut
  • 1840(GA)

    The US state of Georgia by this time had over 280,000 slaves with many working as field hands. By the start of Civil War slaves made up over 40% of the state’s population. The problem of slavery in Georgia was growing
  • 1840(CHN)

    The First Opium War
  • 1860(GA)

    Nov, Abraham Lincoln won the US presidential elections with a majority of the electoral votes in a 4-way race. Following his election South Carolina seceded from the Union followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas
  • 1860(CHN)

    On October 18, 1860, British and French allied forces occupied Beijing, looted and burned the old Summer Palace.
  • 1861(U.S.)

    Bull Run, first major battle of the American Civil War
  • 1865(GA)

    Aug, A national military cemetery was dedicated at Andersonville, Georgia, by Clara Barton and the Red Cross for the 13,000 men who died at Camp Sumter. Dorance Atwater , a Union soldier, had secretly copied the roll of Union dead at the prison. After the war Atwater was appointed Consul at Papeete, Tahiti. He died in San Francisco in 1910.
  • 1865(U.S.)

    Thirteenth Amendment adopted, ending slavery
  • 1865(CHN)

    The general taxation office of the customs moved from Shanghai to Beijing.
  • 1872(GA)

    A brick lighthouse was erected on St. Simons Island off the US coast of Georgia. The island is one of 4 barrier islands called the Golden Isles.
  • 1872(U.S.)

    Yellowstone, first national park, established
  • 1872(CHN)

    Li hongzhang set up a steamship merchant bureau
  • 1893(U.S.)

    World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
  • 1893(GA)

    The 1st state anti-lynching statute was approved in Georgia.
    The legal personal rights of Georgia citizens were further protected, which promoted the progress of Georgia's civil law
  • 1895(CHN)

    The treaty of shimonoseki was signed between China and Japan
  • 1901(CHN)

    Signed the Xin Chou treaty
  • 1904(U.S.)

    Saint Louis World’s Fair was held in America.
  • 1904(GA)

    Farmers in Georgia burned two million bales of cotton to prop up falling prices. Because of the poor state of Georgia's economy, farmers burned cotton to create a cotton market that was in short supply and to boost personal incomes.
  • 1905(CHN)

    The United League of China was founded.
  • 1905(GA)

    Race riot in Atlanta, Georgia killed 10 blacks and 2 whites. The cause of a massacre against African Americans was an unsubstantiated report that four white women had been raped by black men. Jim Crow laws were passed in swift succession in the years following the Atlanta Race Riot
  • 1907(U.S.)

    Peak year of immigration from Europe to the United States.
  • 1913(GA)

    Apr 26, Mary Phagan (13) was killed at an Atlanta pencil factory. She had stopped to pick up her check on her way to Peachtree Street to see a Confederate Memorial Day Parade. Leo Frank (29), a Jewish factory manager, was falsely accused of raping and murdering the young girl. Georgia Gov. John M. Slaton later commuted Frank’s sentence to life, but a vigilante crowd dragged him out of prison and lynched him on Aug 17. This is a typical case of racial discrimination in America.
  • 1913(U.S.)

    Woolworth Building, tallest building in the world, completed in New York.
  • 1913(CHN)

    The second revolution of the United League of China.
  • 1920(U.S.)

    Nineteenth Amendment ratified, giving women the right to vote.
  • 1921(CHN)

    Founding of the communist party of China
  • 1922(GA)

    Rebecca L. Felton, D-Ga., became the first woman to be seated in the U.S. Senate. Mrs. Felton had been appointed to serve out the remaining term of Sen. Thomas E. Watson. This was the beginning of the rise of women's rights in Georgia.
  • 1929(U.S.)

    Stock market crash triggers the Great Depression.
  • 1930(GA)

    Stuart Gorrell wrote the lyrics for the hit song "Georgia on My Mind" in 1930 with music by Hoagy Carmichael. It was declared the state song of Georgia on April 24, 1979.
  • 1931(CHN)

    On the night of September 18, 1931, Japan deliberately made and launched a war of aggression against China in northeast China, which was the beginning of Japanese imperialist aggression against China.
  • 1935(U.S.)

    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt establishes Work Projects Administration to combat Depression-era unemployment.
  • 1937(GA)

    Dr. Leroy Burney set up the country’s first mobile venereal disease clinic in Brunswick, Ga. This represents the improvement of the medical level in Georgia, which provides convenience for people to see a doctor every day.
  • 1937(CHN)

    Lugou bridge incident, and the Japanese Nanjing massacre
  • 1947(U.S.)

    Jackie Robinson breaks the “color line” in major league baseball.
  • 1948(GA)

    Herman E. Talmadge, was elected governor. Governor Herman Talmadge led Georgia's campaign against the abolition of apartheid. Talmage promised that Georgia would not support racial integration. He was determined that during his tenure, schools in the state would not be desegregated. Public facilities will also remain segregated.
  • 1949(CHN)

    The People's Republic of China was founded
  • 1950(GA)

    Marvin Griffin was the governor in the late 50s. He led the civil rights movement with no progress and the general assembly passed legislation to stop it.
  • 1952(CHN)

    The feudal system of exploitation was abolished
  • 1954(U.S.)

    Elvis Presley begins recording career in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • 1963(U.S.)

    Martin Luther King, Jr. leads March on Washington
  • 1966(GA)

    Jan 10, Julian Bond was denied a seat in Georgia legislature for opposing Vietnam War. The Vietnam war was controversial, and the decision of the Georgia legislature at the time was too arbitrary and did not take full account of many aspects of opinion.
  • 1966(CHN)

    The beginning of the cultural revolution
  • 1972(U.S.)

    Apollo 17, last manned lunar mission
  • 1978(GA)

    Mar 6, Larry Flynt, founder of “Hustler Magazine," was shot and wounded outside a Georgia courtroom. His story was told in a 1996 film “The People vs. Larry Flynt." The excessive emphasis on freedom in the United States leads to the social problem of gun abuse, which leads to the difficulty in protecting the rights and interests of American citizens.
  • 1978(CHN)

    China began to reform and open up