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timeline on goergia

By Buddya
  • Nov 29, 1526

    first colony established

    first colony established
    their are many diffrent people that astablished goergia but mainly king goerge 111
  • Aug 18, 1534

    - Spaniard

    - Spaniard
    Spaniard Hernando de Soto explores Georgia after king goerge the third doesd
  • Jul 14, 1566

    Forts built

    Forts built
    • Forts built along the Atlantic coast, including the first in Georgia on St. Catherine's Island
  • The people of South Carolina

    The people of South Carolina
    The people of South Carolina rebel against the lords proprietors and elect James Moore governor.
  • British fort

    British fort
    thed british fort was built in ticonderoga
  • 29George Walton

    29George Walton
    29George Walton, one of Georgia’s three signers of the Declaration of
  • 21 year old charter

    21 year old charter
    he was 21 years old when he astablished the gorgia colony.
  • view the goergia charter

    view the goergia charter
    edrge the second by the grace of god of great britain.
  • Georgia named after king gorge the 111

    Georgia named after king gorge the 111
    1733-king gorge found the colony and they get just named it after him
  • James Oglethorpe

    James Oglethorpe
    and a party of settlers crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the ship Anne to begin settlement of the colony of Georgia
  • German Salzburgers

    German Salzburgers
    A group of German Salzburgers arrived in the colony of Georgia
  • First colony on mainland Americ

    First colony on mainland Americ
    a First colony on mainland Americais established by Lucas Vazques de Ayllon, believed location on Georgia's Sapelo Island
  • a group of soldirs

    a group of soldirs
    they have arived in goergia cause their is a battle and they just started rushing goergia.
  • of German Salzburgers

    of German Salzburgers
    arrived in the colony of Georgia. They were led by Pastor Johann Martin Boltzius, and established the settlement of Ebenezer.
  • ) Hurricane

    ) Hurricane
    hit St. Simons Island; 83 killed
  • . Fi Fight

    . Fi Fight
    between sailors in Savannah caused three days of riotsrst state seal adopted
  • early 1750 30Independence

    early 1750 30Independence
    early 1750 30Independence, was born in Virginia in either later
  • gorgia was found as a british colony

    gorgia was found as a british colony
    1755- after years of planning and two months crossing the Atlantic, James Oglethorpe and 114 colonists climes 40 feet up the bluff from Savannah river on this day, 1773
  • james oglethorpe

    james oglethorpe
    a party of settlers crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the ship Anne to begin settlement of the colony of Georgia. ...
  • 16th Century

    16th Century
    Century - Creek controlled almost all of Georgia
  • British official

    British official
    charged with administering the Stamp Act arrived in Georgia.
  • goergia is the best colony

    goergia is the best colony
    "James Oglethorpe served as the Georgia Colony's governor for 12 years. During which time slavery and alcohol were banned. ... Because of the warm climate in the Georgia Colony, and the good agricultural land, it was possible to grow crops all yea"r
  • All Creek

    All Creek
    ) Indian lands ceded to Georgia All Creek
  • ) Gold

    ) Gold
    discovered; g) Gold old rush began in goergia
  • Atlanta

    atlanta ghas became thew capital in 1855 becayuse that was the most common state
  • civil war

    civil war
    civial war has ended and itn did not end very well for thew tpeople that lostvthe cicial war
  • goergia was the last state to last be restored

    goergia was the last state to last be restored
    as a stae defeted cafederate state goergia underwent reconstruction from 1855
  • George Whitefield sailed

    George Whitefield sailed
    George Whitefield sailed from England to replace John Wesley as minister to the Georgia colonists. He would not be officially approved by the trustees until May 10, but was so eager to begin his duties that he sailed months earlier, arriving in Georgia May 7.
  • 28The colony of Georgia struggled to find a viable

    28The colony of Georgia struggled to find a viable
    28The colony of Georgia struggled to find a viable, money making crop over the next few years, and gradually declined under the leadership of the
  • gorgia was the fourth state connstatution

    gorgia was the fourth state connstatution
    1788 the peoople of goergia relying upon the pretection and guidence of almighty god