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    Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

    He was the guy who saw particles under his microscope that were motile. He assumed motility equated to life so he went to conclude in a letter particles were living organisms.
  • Athanasius Kircher showed

    Athanasius Kircher showed
    A Jesuit priest and he showed that maggots and other living creatures developed in decaying tissues.
  • Hooke published Micrographia

    Hooke published Micrographia
    It was first important work devoted to microscopical observation, and showed what the microscope could mean for naturalists. I included it because i thought it was a important contribution.
  • particles were living organisms letter

    particles were living organisms letter
    The letter that Athanasius Kircher wrote to Royal Society. I included this because I thought the date it was sent out was also important.
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    Lazzaro Spallanzani

    He was a masterful experiments of the Italian naturalist. He disproved the theory, which implied a continuity between living and non-living matter, natura non facit saltus.
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    German histologist Joseph Gerlach

    A man who expanded Kölliker’s views. I thought it was important so i added it.
  • recognition of the nucleus

    recognition of the nucleus
    The Scottish botanist Robert Brown was the first to recognize the nucleus .In the leaves of orchids Brown observed “a single circular areola, generally somewhat more opake than the membrane of the cell.
  • posthumously published

    posthumously published
    it was a book by Karl Deiters. published posthumously in 1865, contains beautiful descriptions and drawings of nerve cells studied by using histological methods and micro dissections made with thin needles under the microscope
  • expanded Kölliker’s view

    expanded Kölliker’s view
    Joseph Gerlach proposed that, in all of the central
    nervous system, nerve cells established
    anastomoses with each other through a network formed by the minute branching of their dendrites.
  • neuron theory

    neuron theory
    Waldeyer introduced the term ‘‘neurons’’ to indicate independent nerve cells 25 ,26. Thereafter, cell theory as
    applied to the nervous system became
    known as the ‘neuron theory’.