
  • Birth

    I was born in Indiana.
  • Arthritis

    My mom didn't believe that my knee hurt - thought I was being lazy. She finally took me to the doctor and I was diagnosed with JIA. I had to get weekly shots for a long time.
  • Nala

    Got our first dog from the humane society. She was a beagle. We got her at the end of 3rd grade right after field day.
  • Hospitalization

    In the hospital for 3 days having an MRI and spinal tap. Doctor was very proud of his children at Huron and kept asking me what AP classes I was taking - while I cried, and my mom cried too.
  • Jesse

    Got Jesse when she was 10 years old. She was my aunt's dog. My aunt couldn't take care of her, so we took her after Nala died.
  • Driver's License

    Got my driver's license.