Timeline 1921-1941

  • Warren G. Harding sworn in as President

  • The Emergency Immigration Act is passed

  • Teapot Dome Scandal

  • Harding Dies Coolidge is sworn in

  • Scoped Monkey Trial Dayton Tennessee

  • Lindhberg achieves the first nonstop flight from NY to Paris

  • Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti executed

  • FDR becomes the Governor of New York 1928

  • Herbert Hoover elected President

  • The Great Depression arrived- Stock Market plummets

  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

  • Citizens Committee on Coordination of Unemployment Relief began working closely with federal officials

  • The Scottsboro nine

  • FDR becomes the President of the United States

  • 2,300 banks collapsed

  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation

  • The "New Deal"

  • The Japanese withdraw from the League of Nations

  • Hitler rises to power

  • The First Fireside Chat

  • Huey Long Assasinated

  • The Second New Deal

  • Social Security Act

  • The Spanish Civil War breaks out

  • The Court-Packing Schme

  • The Roosevelt Recession

  • The Assault of the Marco Polo Bridge

  • Fair Labor Standards Act

  • John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath published

  • War explodes in Europe

  • Executive Order Number 8802

  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

  • British victory at El Alamein

  • Battle of the Coral Sea

  • Allies push Axis forces out of Africa

  • Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin meet in Tehran

  • Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin meet again in Yalta

  • The world’s first nuclear device, Trinity was launched

  • V-E Day

  • Japanese Government signed their surrender-WW2 ends