Timeline 1789-1815

  • Meeting of the Estates General(F.R)

    Meeting of the Estates General(F.R)
    In desperation (because the aristocrats blocked Louis XVI’s plans), Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General to addres the economic crisis.
    *The Estates General had not gathered in more than 170 years.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate and some clergy who had joined them, took it upon themselves (after being locked out of their meeting hall) to meet at a royal Tennis court in Versailles. There, they swore the Tennis Court Oath, vowing to stay put until a new constitution was created.
    *This was the first time that citizens formally stood in opposition of Luis XVI.
  • The attack of Bastile

    The attack of Bastile
    About 600 angry Parisians stormed the Bastile prison, killing the guards and commanders and confiscating the weapons. This was a symbolic act of revolution to showed that citizens could make great changes.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of the Man and Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of the Man and Citizen
    This declaration prohibited traditional privileges enjoyed by the monarch, the clergy and the aristocracy. The 17 articles of the declaration became the basis of the new French constitution and it defined the rights of all people.
  • Constitution of the clergy

    Constitution of the clergy
    It confiscated church properties and regarded the church as a form of public authority. Archbishoprics were revoked/prohibited and all clergy received salaries from the state.
  • 1st French Constitution

    1st French Constitution
    It was the first written constitution in France, created after the collapse of the absolute monarchy of the Ancien Régime.
  • September massacres

    September massacres
    The sans-culottes wiped out all the political prisoners, aristrocats and the clergy.
    *They were influenced by the Jacobin journalist, Marat.
  • End of Luis XVI’s reign(sans-culottes/Jacobins revolt)

    End of Luis XVI’s reign(sans-culottes/Jacobins revolt)
    Jacobins and sans-culottes stormed Tuileries and officially arrested Luis XVI, taking an end to his reign.
  • Execution of Luis XVI

    Execution of Luis XVI
    The National Convention put the monarch on trial for treason to France. He was then executed by the guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.
    *His last words were ignored as the noise from the crowd masked them.
  • Start of reign of terror

    Start of reign of terror
    During this period there were tens of thousands people killed by the guillotine. Citizens who went against the ideas of the Revolution were instantly put in prison and killed. If any ordninary person said said something counter-revolutionary they would end up beheaded. 40,000 nobles and clergy, middle-class citizens and peasantas died during this time, sparking a terror.
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Execution of Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette was executed under the crimes of molesting her son, treason and counter-revolutionary activity.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    After Robespierre made up a new religion (The Cult of the Supreme Being) it convinced the people that he was no longer a viable leader.
    He was overthrown and the next day Robespierre was executed along with his friends.
  • Napoleon takes the power

    Napoleon takes the power
    After France’s misfortunes in war, Napoleon returned and Joseph Sieyès(who didn’t want the Directory)planned a military coup with Napoleon to topple the Directory. Napoleon overthrew the Directory, dissolved the legislature and included himself as the lader of the dictatorship. He ended the french revolution.
    *Napoleon was married 4 times and had 4 children.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor
    Napoelon put on the crown himself in the company of the Pope to show that he is higher in authority than the Pope.
  • Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo battle

    Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo battle
    Napoleon led his army of about 72.000 troops against 68.000 British men. The British army caused the final defeat of Napoleon.