Timeline 1763-1774

  • Proclamation of 1763

    The British set a border at the Appalachian mountains. They made it so the colonist can't expand on lands acquired in the French and Indian war.
  • sugar act

    The sugar act was the act that enforced smuggling laws it stoped the smuggling of sugar from French. They did this to bring in more money to the British. This affected the colonist by hurting their economy.
  • currency act

    This act was made by the British to stop the colonist making their own money. The colonist disapproved of this act. They felt underpaid for their work.
  • quartering act of 1765

    This act made the British colonist house the British soldiers and use their tax money to help them build barracks for the army. The colonist did not like their tax money being used for this.
  • stamp act

    This act caused a heavy tax on everything that was paper. The British imposed this act because they needed money to recover from the French and Indian war. The colonist did not approve of such high taxes.
  • declaratory act

    This act was put out on the same day that the British repealed the stamp act. This act made it so that parliament could tax the British however they wanted just like in Britain.
  • townshend act

    This act put more taxes on the colonist this act put taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. This was a stab to the colonist because they started to realize there were being heavily taxed without any representation in the government.
  • Boston massacre

    This happened when the colonist of American fought the British soldiers because they were tired of being unfairly taxed without representation. The colonist were killed by British soldiers which caused even more anger among the colonist.
  • Period: to

    Boston tea party

    The colonist dumped tea that belonged to the British into the Boston harbor in protest of the taxation without representation. This made the tension between the colonist and Britain rise.
  • intolerable act

    This act was enacted by the British to punish the colonist for the Boston tea party. This act enforced the colonist to pay for the tea they dumped into the river or the Boston harbor would remain closed.
  • Quartering act of 1774

    This act imposed by the British to make the colonist house British soldiers and royal governors in their houses or barracks they built with their tax money.
  • Quebec act

    This act imposed by the British was to win over the French Catholics of Quebec by making the region of Quebecs religion Catholic. They wanted the Frenchs loyalty to the British government.