Period: to
Childhood, Sandstone, MN
I lived in Sandstone, MN, my whole life--even in the same house! My brother and sister-in-law now live there with their kids. Sandstone is a small (pop. 2000) town with the major employers being a federal prison, school, hospital, and my family's grocery store. -
High School Graduation, Sandstone, MN
Period: to
Undergrad--The College of St. Benedict
College Graduation, CSB, St. Joseph, MN
I graduated from college on my birthday!! -
Period: to
Columbia, Missouri
I lived in Missouri for 5 years with my former husband. This was the first time I'd lived away from my parents (other than college). -
Moved to Missouri
I moved to Columbia, Missouri, where my former husband was going to be attending graduate school. We lived there for a total of 5 years. -
Title I teacher, Jamestown, MO
My first 'teaching' job was in the very rural, very small town of Jamestown, Missouri. I drove 45 minutes one way to get to work. Most of the kids grew up on farms, and FFA was insanely popular! This school was K-12 in one building, so I had a lot of experiences with the highschoolers there as well. I taught Title I for 2 years. -
First classroom position--3rd grade, Jamestown, MO
The third year I was at Jamestown I taught 3rd grade. We only had one section at each grade level, and though I got along well with the other teachers, it was a challenging year and I felt like I had little support from administration. -
Title I Preschoool, Columbia, MO
Period: to
Odenton, Maryland
We moved to Maryland for my then-husband's new job--working as a post-doc with feds. He worked in Bowie, Maryland. We were 30 min. from DC, Baltimore, and Annapolis. -
First Son born, Annapolis, MD
My first son, Dagan, was born in Annapolis, Maryland. -
Period: to
Grand Rapids, MN
When my ex got a permanent job with the MN DNR, we moved to Grand Rapids, MN. We were thrilled to be back 'home.' I have lived in the same house we bought together--I just recently refinanced so it is officially all mine! :) -
Second Son Born, Duluth, MN
My second son was born in Duluth, MN. He was 5 weeks early and spent 10 days in the NICU. Geography is important in terms of my children's births because of the hospitals they were born in, and the resources bigger hospitals have. Though I love living in a smaller town, I really feel blessed that my children were born in the cities they were because of the care we had at the larger hospitals.