Timeline 1

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    A Serbian man named Gabrielle Princip, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. The Archduke was heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This was known as the start to World War I.
  • Serbia

    Austria-Hungary with the support of Germany delievered an ultimatum to Serbia. In repsonse, Serbia offers an arbitratation to try and end the dispute but still began to active their troops for war.
  • Austria-Hungry

    Excatly one month after the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Austro- Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. Dragging allies of both places into the war, which eventually lead to starting the World War.
  • Great Britain

    Great Britain
    Germany declared war on France, then continued to invade Belgium, which was nuetral at the time. Britain then sent an ultimatum, which was rejected by the Germans. Britain wanted the Germans out of Belguim.
  • Belguim

    Starting on August 4, 1914 Germans invaded Belgium were attacked using explosive shells. Many Belguims retreates north and the Germans continued to go westward.
  • France

    French and British troops invade German colony, causes them to surrender twenty days later.
  • Russia

    Russia invades Germany, which caused the greatly outnumered Germans to retreat.
  • Germany

    German troops now occupying Brissels, Belgium. During this, only top German forces continued westward in attempt to invade France using the Schlieffen Plan as a guide. Which was Germany's plan to sweep through France, knocking them out of the war, so they could focus on France.
  • Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman empire joins Central powers. Several days later, Russia declares war on them.
  • Italy

    Italy joins the Allies and declares war on Austria-Hungary, entering World War I. Italians establish a good offense while the Austrians focused on defense.
  • Bulgaria

    Bulgaria joind WWI on the side of the Central Powers. Austro-Hungarian troops attack from the north into Serbia. The Bulgarians attack from the east. Serbia cannot defend and are forced to retreat west into Albania.
  • Portugal

    Germany decides to declare war on Portugal. In the 5th battles of the Isonzo began, between Italy and Austria-Hungary.
  • Romania

    Romania joins the side of the Allies. The Romanian troops cross the border of the Austro-Hungarians into Transylvania.
  • Greece

    Greece declares war on the Central Powers. Their leader was replaced by Ally Prime Minister Venizelos. This ended their three years of neutrality.