
  • Jul 1, 1248

    TL1 The Company Meets

    Jo, Amy, and Heidatha are tasked with investigate the murder of Pandora Stewart
  • Jul 1, 1248

    TL2 TL1 Company Wake Up in TL2, D's Lab, Apollo

    The company wake up in ‘the past’ and go to Daedalus’ lab, talk to Apollo, and charter a ship to go to Newbormia.
  • Jul 2, 1248

    TL1 Icarus Kidnaps Macie

  • Period: Jul 2, 1248 to Jul 4, 1248

    TL 1 The Company Rest

  • Period: Jul 2, 1248 to Jul 7, 1248

    TL2 Ship to Newbormia

    The Company spend seven days on a ship from Crete to Newbormia. They practice playing instruments.
  • Jul 5, 1248

    TL1 Sewer Investigation, Interrogation, D's Lab

    Jo and Amy investigate the sewers, Heidatha interrogates Icarus. We meet up and go talk to CCF. We go to Daedalus’ lab with Icarus.
  • Jul 6, 1248

    TL2 Ixport, Ramona's Magic Alcohol

    The company arrive at Ixport, talk to Ramona, encounter the Dukes, learn about a temple of the Ravage, get potions, steal and drink Ramona’s magical alcohol, and go to bed.
  • Jul 6, 1248

    TL1 D's Lab, Pandora, CCF Fight, Furaki

    We find Apollo. We leave the lab. We find out Pandora is Death. Icarus and Apollo get into a fight. We fight CCF. We meet the Furaki and go to Sasha’s house.
  • Jul 7, 1248

    TL2 Kestrel Castle, Explaining to Dukes

    The company visit the Kestrel Castle, encounter Darvish, tell the Dukes about time travel and the Warham revolution, and become contractually obligated representatives of Newbormia.
  • Jul 7, 1248

    TL1 Leaving Crete, Ravenoid Fight, Apollo Death

    The Ravenoid is coming to Crete. We go clothes shopping. We get on CCF’s ship with Icarus and Apollo and start sailing away. We fight the ravenoid. Apollo dies. Heidatha flies for the first time in a long time.
  • Jul 8, 1248

    TL2 Carriage, Bandits, Vee

    We leave with Darvish for Warham. At dusk, we are ambushed by bandits who we fight and defeat. Jo discovers The Void's Edge, or Vee, and we learn about the Lich from the bandits. Vee begins talking to Jo.
  • Jul 8, 1248

    TL1 Truth or Dare and Travel

    We discuss our plans for arriving at Warham. We play truth or dare. We travel.
  • Jul 9, 1248

    TL2 Aphis Illusion, Scary Jo, Carriage

    Vee and Jo have another conversation, Vee convinces Jo to get out of the carriage and walk towards the illusion of Aphis, but she makes no progress. The Company talk about how they are scared of the sword and the way Jo is acting.
  • Jul 9, 1248

    TL1 Warham, Icarus is Arrested

    We arrive at Warham. We go to get healed by the king, it doesn’t work. We meet Iapyx and Icarus gets arrested (again.)
  • Jul 10, 1248

    TL2 Warham, Iapyx, Flabberghastly Robbery

    We arrive in Warham. Heidatha and Jo encounter Iapyx, Amy and Icarus revolutionize the goblins after an attempted robbery by Flabberghastly. We go to sleep at Iapyx’s stronghold and Jo has a nightmare about Vee.
  • Jul 10, 1248

    TL1 Jailbreak, Iapyx, Truth or Dare

    We rescue Icarus from jail, Icarus and Iapyx meet. We make plans to go to the masquerade ball. We play truth or dare again.
  • Jul 11, 1248

    TL2 Masquerade Ball, Wounded Boy, Glasses

    The company shop, Vee is upset with Jo, the company attend the masquerade ball, immediately sending Heidatha and Icarus to distract the council of seven while Amy and Jo look for the Furaki. After some arguing, Jo accidentally wounds a young boy and Amy brings Heidatha down to heal him. They then find a pair of strange glasses that Amy claims. After talking to Iapyx, they go to bed.
  • Jul 11, 1248

    TL1, Potions, Goblins, Masquerade Ball, Furaki

    We go to pick up some potions and accidentally cause a goblin revolution. We find a baby aaracockra and bring it to Iapyx. We go to the masquerade ball, stop the Furaki, Icarus gains his cloak, we overthrow the Warham government.
  • Jul 12, 1248

    TL1 Leaving Warham, Aphis, The Tower, Aesa

    Amy dreams of the Furaki and is hurt by the gloves. We collect some horses and leave Warham. We arrive at Aphis and meet Aesa. We go to the tower and experience the paradox. Alecto dies, we scry, we raid Aesa’s house.
  • Period: Jul 13, 1248 to Jul 26, 1248


    The Company are in Aphis (paradoxically)
  • Jul 26, 1248

    TL1 Leaving Aphis, Pandora, Axridbu, Icarus Feeds

    Icarus wakes up feeling ill. We leave Aphis and come across Pandora. We arrive at Axridbu. The obscuracle returns to feed. We feed it, go to the menagerie, and decide to go to Kavatoa. We visit the charterman and go to a rest stop to sleep.
  • Jul 27, 1248

    TL1 Coalition Paradox, Talking, Kavatoa Night Out

    We see a vision of Coalition minus Ngura, Jo and Heidatha talk, Amy and Icarus talk, realizations are had. We board Kavatoa. The company explore Kavatoa and get drunk (and get haircuts)
  • Jul 28, 1248

    TL1 Daedalus, Penny, Tiktons

    The girls meet Daedalus. We find Penny. We meet the Tiktons and go to their library.
  • Jul 29, 1248

    TL1 Penny, Pandora, Wae Vings, Hypnautica, Camlia

    We visit Penny, see Pandora, and leave for Camlia after being given a task by the Wae Vings. There we meet Ariadne and Heidatha dreams of the Hypnautica for the first time.
  • Jul 30, 1248

    TL1 Silence Room, Goblins, Cloak

    We go to the tomb, meet some goblins, and get the cloak of many colors, returning to Ariadne’s village to sleep.
  • Jul 31, 1248

    TL1 Return to Kavatoa, Gander, Hypnautica Fight

    We wake after dreaming of the Hypnautica and tell Ariadne that Icarus is her brother. We return to Kavatoa and deliver part of the cloak of many colors to the Wae Vings and give Diggy to the transportation district. Heidatha and Amy discover a terrified Professor Gander and we all go to an inn to sleep. We dream of the Hypnautica and almost get trapped in the dance, proceeding to fight the Hypnautica and then play games with it. We save Malinka Lehkten and wake up.
  • Aug 1, 1248

    TL1 Pandora, Ship to Crete, Kentro Heist

    We talk to Pandora. We are summoned to Big D’s lab and are told to get the drawer, rock, and to find the next Meticulary (uh oh.) We get on our ship and head towards Crete. JACK talks on the ride while Amy naps. We arrive in Crete and visit our respective children before performing a heist at the Kentro. Pandora reads the prophecy to us, then we get food and talk to CCF. We finish the night by having some showers and a sleepover at Heidatha’s house.
  • Aug 2, 1248

    TL1 Newbormia, Dukes, Belfry, Nightmares

    We awaken and head towards Newbormia. On the way there, Amy and Heidatha perfect the “concealed carry” spell. After arriving at Newbormia, we visit the dukes and get our two rooms. While Amy and Jo play a game of jacks, Heidatha and Icarus look for food, get caught, see some bats in a belfry, make some maggot bread, and have a heart to heart talk. They get some crazy Newbormian outfits for the next day and then go to sleep, having nightmares (courtesy of the Hypnautica.)
  • Aug 3, 1248

    TL1 Court, Ramona, Rainforest Cafe, Argument

    The Company don their Newbormian clothes, and after an awkward breakfast, head to the court proceeding. Ramona isn’t there, we figure out our next step is to finish research, we head back to the library. There we find Ramona. After some skirmishes in the library and a conversation with Ramona, the Company decide to take the next two days off to rest. They go to Fantasy Rainforest Cafe with Pandora, theorize, and find out about the right hand. Then they get into an argument and switch rooms.
  • Aug 4, 1248

    TL1 The Right Hand, Cake, Making Up

    Heidatha and Jo get up early to go investigate the Right Hand and talk to Aln while Icarus and Amy sleep in and go to a spa. They all meet up and make up and make a cake, converse with Rak, and get clothes for the ball.
  • Aug 5, 1248

    TL1 The Ball, Dukeship

    The Company get dressed up and attend the ball, which is being hosted by Ramona. They dance, eat some strange food, watch an opera, watch a disturbing fight to the death before finishing in a room full of drugs. Heidatha spends her time trying to get Aln to realize that he and Rak are in a relationship, Jo gets high, we play truth or dare, and Amy and Aln are nerds. Then we go back to the Kestrel Castle.
  • Aug 6, 1248

    TL1 Dukes Meeting, Hypnautica, Hostage Situation

    Amy and Heidatha spy on the Dukes and Icarus takes high Jo to the rooms. Amy and Heidatha tell the dukes about conduits after finding out that they’ve been theorizing about us. Jo dreams of the Hypnautica, the Company wake and buy supplies before visiting Ramona. After that, they head to the caverns and find the crystal, then fight the dukes, ending in a hostage situation where the Company get the Ainsahar crystal. They steal their ship back and set the docks on fire deciding to go to Camlia.
  • Aug 7, 1248

    TL1 Camlia, Joditha, River

    The Company wake up in Camlia, where they find Ariadne and overstay their welcome at her house. Joditha comes into existence. They decide to stay in Camlia for the Festival Where Time Wears Thin, Icarus gets seduced by a river, they snoop in Ariadne’s house.
  • Aug 8, 1248

    TL1 Putting Crystal in Silence Room

    The Company wake up and bring the Ainsahar Crystal to the tomb and theorize.
  • Aug 9, 1248

    TL1 The Festival Where Time Wears Thin

    The company enter the fae realm.