Period: 1100 BCE to 800 BCE
Time Period: Dark Ages
Dorians and Ionians make up most of what is now Greece.
Sparta was founded by Dorians and Athens was created by Ionians. Prior to this the Minoans ruled from ~2600 BCE to ~1250 BCE, and the Mycenaeans ruled from ~2000 BCE to 1100 BCE. -
Period: 900 BCE to 751 BCE
Time Period: Athens as a monarchy
During the early days of Athens, they were ruled by a king or basileus. This period lasted roughly 150 years. -
799 BCE
People: Homer
Author of the The Iliad and The Odyssey. The first "Greek" author/poet. Exact dating of lifespan is unclear, but looks to be somewhere in the 8th century bce. -
Period: 750 BCE to 650 BCE
Time Period: Athens as an oligarchy
As the nobles became more powerful during the monarchy rule, they began meeting regularly. This brought the beginning of oligarchy rule by a group known as the Areopagus. The decline of the rule was noted by the hardship of the lower class wheat farmers, who had to sell their wives and children into slavery to pay debts. -
Period: 650 BCE to 502 BCE
Time Period: Athens as a Tyranny
This is not the oppressive tyranny we think of today. This rule came from rioting of the lower class and instability of the city-state. -
Period: 640 BCE to 560 BCE
People: Solon
After becoming the tyrant,he went on to reform the nations through laws, debt help, and new governing groups. these reforms planted the seeds for democracy. -
594 BCE
People: Solon Becomes Tyrant
The people agree hat he should rule them. -
591 BCE
People: Peisistratus
This is a guess of his year of birth. Most data shows he lived for 81 years, but his rule did not end until 510 BCE. -
570 BCE
People: Cleisthenes was born
Period: 560 BCE to 510 BCE
People: Peisistratus rules as tyrant
During his rule, he shifted the power from the nobles class more to the lower class citizens. -
Period: 508 BCE to 502 BCE
People: Cleisthenes Rules as Tyrant
After multiple rulers, some even from Sparta, Cleisthenes comes to power. One of his biggest contributions was the expansion of eligibility of citizenship. -
499 BCE
War: Persian War begins
Ionian Greeks with the help of Athens rebel against Persian rule,thus stating the wars. -
Period: 499 BCE to 479 BCE
Time Periods: Persian Wars
The Ionians and Dorians unite to confront the Persian army looking to invade their lands. Lead to an initial unity between the city-states that prior did not cooperated for much known as the Delian League. -
495 BCE
People: Pericles
Pericles was born. -
Period: 495 BCE to 429 BCE
People: Pericles
He was a prominent leader in what is known as the Golden Age of Athens. He was credited with the construction of the Parthenon as well as other monuments. His policies and strategies would help in the Pelopennesian War even after his death. -
490 BCE
War: Battle of Marathon
The battle Won by the Greeks over the Persians who tried to invade Attica. After the war, a man ran to the next town, 26.1 miles, to tell them of the victory were he collapsed dead. -
480 BCE
War: Delian League created
The city-states unite to face Xerxes who is invading with 500 ships and a quarter of a million troops. -
480 BCE
War: Battle of Thermopylae
The Spartans took 300 men to fight the Persian forces and due to brilliant tactical positioning, they held them off for three days before being defeated. -
480 BCE
War: Battle of Salamis
With the assistance of the naval expertise of the Athenians, the Delian League won this naval battle despite being outnumbered. -
479 BCE
War: Battle of Plataea
After the loss at Salamis, Xerxes looked to Plataea to defeat the Greeks on land. He was mistaken and lost the battle. This would be the last battle of the war, and would eventually to a prosperous period for the Greeks. -
Period: 469 BCE to 399 BCE
People: Socrates
Believed in the the individual as being rational. -
Period: 462 BCE to 320 BCE
Time Period: Athens as a Democracy
With the seeds sown by the tyrants, democracy finally takes hold as literally governing for the people by the people -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
War: Peloponnesian War
Basically a civil war between the Athens and the Saprtans (and their allies). -
Period: 429 BCE to 347 BCE
People: Plato
Believed that reality and this world were not the same and independent of one another. -
384 BCE
People: Aristotle was born
Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE
People: Aristotle
Started schools rather than tutoring individuals