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    In august I figure out what I would be doing during the semester.
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    today I worked on the main character of my comic book and now hopefully I can put a format into my comic book. I am probably going to make a book not having a main story but just having random funny strips. I am using comic life to create the format of my comic.
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    This week in Independent studies I worked on my comic book. I hope to start Drawing the first pages after I format all the pages using a program called comic life. In comic life you can insert dialogue bubbles and format comic book. hopefully this comic book can be done soon
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    In september I started working on My comic . It was called Harris and Hai.
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    Today in independent studies I worked on my comic and started planning out the pages a lot. Hopefully formatting the pages won't take to long because i would like to start drawing.
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    Today in Independent studies I worked on my comic again... Now I'm on page four and I'm getting to a very interesting part of the comic. The story line will be mixed up until the final strip which is a secret.
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    oday in independent studies my comic is now almost done with the main story line beginning. Now Harris is thinking what to name his pet panda
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    Today in independent studies I continued to work on my comic without writers block now. SO hopefully I won't get writers block again and my comic wont be stopped again

    Flood we were out of school
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    I continued working on the comic books and I also started my seconbd book.
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    Today in Independent studies, I worked on my comic book and have now ended the formatting and now will start drawing it and then I will be starting the next book which is in spring. This will mean that I will have to make four books then the series will be complete and I will have made a book of every season and then will be able to work on a different project which maybe another comic with a story line and then that one will have several characters and would be in a city that is made up like Ne
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    Today in independent studies I finished my comic. I was working on it all week and I finished the first book so i'm starting the next soon as soon as I print and draw all of my comics then I will start the new book during the season of spring in the book.
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    Today in independent studies on this Pelican Thursday I worked on the second book of my comics where in the story one of the characters locked out the others in the pouring rain during a spring storm. I had a little bit of writers block at the begging of class but then it cleared up.
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    Today in independent studies I worked on more pages of my comic book and soon will have the book heading towards completion. I think that I will start drawing for both books. Then I will start my third book summer edition.
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    Today in independent studies I worked on my Progress term evaluation and I also made sure that my edmodo back-up was up to date. I will have to turn in the evaluation tomorrow because I will be gone on Friday because I have and 8 A.M. game on Friday in a waterpolo tournament over the weekend.
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    Today in independent studies I worked on my comic where the main character tries to communicate with his Chinese colleague through Google™ Translate. Of course Google™ isn't translating it right and there is a big confusion.
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    I started working on my coding starting to prepare for the hour of code.
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    oday in independent studies I worked on my comic a bit. I also helped one of my friends test his game today. Soon I will be working on Image blender for my comic so I got used to image blender a bit today too.
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    Today in Independent studies I help my friend Gabe with his game beta testing, and then I started playing the tutorial of Hour of Code. I think I will use this at home so that I can learn to code like this, which I think will be fun.
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    This week In Independent studies, I worked on my comic and I also looked at pictures that I thought I could implement into my comic. Then I thought that I should just draw the pictures in. Today I helped my friend beta test his game. It was very fun. I think that we will be doing the=is every Friday.
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    I worked on my coding so that the hour of code shall be complete.
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    Today in independent studies. I worked on my timeline a bit using timetoast. I was also interested by something called a power pod. It was developed in the 60's by the millitary. Most technology uses them.