This day is obviously special because it's the day i was born. -
Pascal's birthday
The day I met my bestfriend. -
first camping trip
This was the first time we went camping at clear lake with my family. It's special because it's still our favourite place to camp. We go almost every year. -
first bike ride
My first bike ride was special because I love biking ever since. And it was a special moment for me and my parents. -
first hockey game
My first hockey game is very special to me because i love playing hockey. I still play it and i hope i play for the rest of my life. -
first day of grade school
This day is speical to me because it was the day i met a lot of my best friends. -
Ski trip
It was my first ski trip. fernie BC. It was special for me because it was the start of a tradition. We go every year. -
Hockey championship
When I won the league with my hockey team. It was special because we worked extremely hard that year to win, and we did. It was a true achievement. -
first beer
My first beer was with my grampa. He gave me beer because he knew I wouldn't like it and he thought i wouldn't drink it again for a long time. It was still a very special time because i can say i had my first beer with my grampa. -
Walt Disney trip
This trip is special because it's the last trip i ever spent with my grampa. -
First accident
I had my first accident this day with my grampa. I crashed his quad in a trail. I will never foget this moment. -
Grampa's death
I will always remember this day because I loved my grampa so much. He was always there for me but unfortunately he had to leave. -
my 16th birthday
This was a special time because me and my friends had a big party and invited all of my firends. It was a blast and I will never forget it. -
First car
I got my first car this day. I could go where i wanted and when i wanted. This day developped freedom in my life. -
Sister's wedding
this day was special to me because my sister is now married with the love of her life. She is very happy with her husband. -
Lost my virginity
It was a good way to start off the year with my girlfriend. -
Road trip
When me and pascal drove to alberta to meet our friend. It was special because us 3 were always together and when we met up with him, it was like he had never left. -
first day on 12th grade
This day was really special to me because it is my last first day of school and i can now start my life carreer. -