
  • The Great Northern War

    The Great Northern War
    the japanies attacked the russian.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    the russian army led about 3,000 solders and they were against Nicholes.
  • Czar Alexander ii Emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander ii Emancipates the Serfs
    everybody hated him
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    this is the war between russa and japan
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    when nicholas spoke for the russians
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    this was the day that thousands of people died.
  • World War I (Russian Involvement

    World War I (Russian Involvement
    this is the war when the japenees and the russians faught agenst each other.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    it was a big war.
  • Czar Nicholas ii abdicates the Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas ii abdicates the Russian throne
    this is when he signed to be the periment czar of russa
  • The Assassination of Alexander ii

    The Assassination of Alexander ii
    this is what they assassinated Alexander ii