• Period: to

    Number of Factories more than doubled during this time.

    Number of Factories more than doubled during this time, leading to lower wages and worse working conditions.
  • Period: to

    Czar Nicholas II

    Nicholas made three huge mistakes, such as Bloody Sunday, the Russo Japenese war, and Russia's involvment in WWI.
  • Two Revolutionary Groups Formed

    Two Revolutionary Groups Formed
    Moderate Mensheviks, wanted support for the revolution. The second group was the radical Bolsheviks.
  • Period: to

    Russo Japenese War

    Russia and Japan competed for control of Japan and Korea. They eventually signed agreements, but Russia broke the agreement, and then Japan attacked in retaliation at port Arthur in Feb. 1904.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    200,000 Workers and their families approached the Czar asking for more freedom, better working conditions, and an elected national legislature. Soldiers were ordered to fire upon the crowds. 1,000 were wounded, and several hundred were killed.
  • Lenin Fled Russia

    Lenin Fled Russia
    He fled to avoid arrest by the Czarist regime, but remained in contact with Bolsheviks.
  • WWI

    Nicholas II brought Russia into the war even though they were ill-repared, thus many died. This enraged the citizens of Russia and led to his downfall at the end of the war.
  • Lenin declared ruler

    Lenin declared ruler
  • Period: to

    Lenin's Rule

  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    Almost 200,000 worker swarmed the streets of Petrograd, because of shortages of bread and fuel. Soldiers were ordered to fire but later joined them. Forced Czar to step down.
  • Lenin Comes Back

    Lenin Comes Back
    Germans thought Lenin would hurt the Russian war effort, so they had him transported back in a sealed boxcar. Soon after returning, he and his Bolsheviks regained control of the Petrograd soviet and many other soviets.
  • Women's Rights

    Women's Rights
    Bolshevik revolution saw men and women as equal, and laws were passed to gain equal rights for women.
  • Armed factory workers storm Petrograd Palace

    Armed factory workers storm Petrograd Palace
    Called themselves the Bolshevik red guards. Took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisional government.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Russia surrendured a large part of its power Germany and her allies. This angered the Bolsheviks.
  • Czar Nicholas is Executed

    Czar Nicholas is Executed
    Led to provisional government being established. This government failed and led to Soviet establishments. Soviets had more influence than the government in most cities.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    Bolsheviks and red army backed by lenin was one side, the other side was the white army, comprised of groups with different views, which made it harder to unite. 14 Million Russians died in the struggle or during from famine, but the red army emerged victorious.
  • New Economic Policy

    Lenin focused on reviving the Russian economy, made small scale version of Capitalism, called it the "New Economic Policy" It allowed small factories, businesses, and farms to operate under private ownership.
  • USSR

    Lenin saw nationalism as a threat, and so organized Russia into self governing republics.
  • Lenin Suffered a stroke

    Lenin Suffered a stroke
    This set in motion competition for heading up the communist party. Lead to power struggle between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin.
  • Period: to

    Stalin Climbs Communist Party

    Worked to move his supporters into posititions of power, used his role as general secretery as a way to do so.
  • Communist Party

    Communist Party
    The bolsheviks renamed their party the Communist Party, after the word Communism. They created a constitution. Was based on socialist and democratic principles, however the communist party really heald all the power.
  • Stalin establishes command economy

    Stalin establishes command economy
    A command economy is a system in which the government makes all economic decisions.
  • Collective farms

    Collective farms
    Cobined 25 Million privately owned farms into large government owned farms.
  • Period: to

    First Five Year Plan

    Set impossibly high quotas for steel, coal, oil and electricity. Limited production of consumer goods.
  • Period: to

    Stalin's Rule

    Stalin had forcibly transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian regime and an industrial and political power. He stood unopposed as dictator and maintained his authority over the Communist Party. He built a Totalitarian State. Totalitarianism is a government that takes total centralized control over every aspect of public and private life.
  • Stalin Commands Communist Party

    Stalin Commands Communist Party
  • Russian Economy Restored

    Russian Economy Restored
    Russias farms and factories produced as much as they had before WWI
  • Trotsky Forced into Exile

    Trotsky Forced into Exile
  • Period: to

    Second Five Year Plan

    Proved successful as first one, and the two increased production of steel more than 25%.
  • Stalin turned against communist party

    Stalin turned against communist party
  • Period: to

    Great Purge

    Directed at eliminating those who opposed stalin. Allowed Stalin total control of government, but 8-13 Million died as a result.
  • Collective Farmin Results

    Collective Farmin Results
    90% of all peasants lived on collective farms. 5-10 Million peasants died because of Stalin's Agricultural Revolution, but produced twice the product as before collective farms.
  • Women made up 75% of Soviet Doctors

    Women made up 75% of Soviet Doctors
    Women made up 75% of Soviet doctors