
  • French and Indian War

    Ensign de Jumonville and a third of his escorted him to kill him british patrol led to George Washington.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation was estblished or difine four new colonies three of them was on the continent proper.
  • Stamp Act

    A motion was offered to first read petitions from Virginia colony and others was denied. The bill was past along.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was the result of tensions that had been growing between the colonist and the English troops since the troops first appeared in
  • Intolerable Acts

    The revenue generated by townshend duties and amounted less then 21,000.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party took place when a gruop of Massachusets Patriots protesting the monopoly on American tea importation.
  • Lexington and Concord

    During the wee hours of April 19, 1775, he would send out regiments of British soldiers quartered in Boston.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The original Declaration is badly largely becuase of the poor preservation techniques.
  • Team Act

    The Team Act calls for two division of states services perffered service and executive service.
  • TownShend Acts

    Taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea were applied of raising 40,000 a year for the administartion of the colonies.