Time travel project

  • put a stop to slavery

    here i will putting a stop slavery. i dont like how blacks were treated and i want it never to happen.
  • watch the civil war tactices

    i will be watching the civil war tacitics. to see how they were diffrent from todays.
  • bring modern weapons to the civil war

    the title says it all. i will bring modern weapons to the civil war just to speed things up a bit.
  • watch the very first car be built

    here i want watch the very first car be built to compare it from the cars we have today.
  • statue of liberty be built.

    statue of liberty be built.
    i just got here are new york city. we have traveled back in time to see the statue of liberty be built. its cool becuase they do not have the technolgy that we have today to left the heavy pieces. and tach the pieces together.
  • buy a bond

    now i will be buying a $100,000 bond. in todays time that will be big money.
  • put hiller in jail

    i will be finding a way to put hitler in jail for ever so he does not kill all of the people.
  • go to the labor camps in the holcost

    here i will be seecretly sneanking jews out of the camps and to saftey
  • but a mercedes

    i will be buying a 1954-55 mercedes benz w196 and keep it in stoage. and seel it in todays time for lot of money
  • buy a chevy camaro

    at this year i will be buying a 1969 chevy yanko camaro. i will put it in storage until today and sell it.