Open Door Policy
Created by western powers, Open Door Policy was implemented in order to continue trade with China's markets with whatever means necessary. Western dominance is asserted in this time through the Boxer Rebellion which put down Chinese protesters. -
The Platt Amendment
The Platt Amendment was legislation that challenged Cuba's sovereignty and allowed the U.S to intervene if Cuba was ever in trouble. -
Hay-Herran Treaty
A treaty proposed by the U.S to build a canal in Panama, however it was rejected. In response the U.S then proceeded to support a bid for independence of Panama so that they could build the canal. -
Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty
The treaty granted the U.S rights to the Panama Canal. This treaty gave the U.S more naval mobility allowing America to defend it self and prove that it was a dominant force. -
Roosevelt Corollary
An addition to the Monroe Doctrine which stated that the U.S had the right to intervene in domestic affairs in the western hemisphere. This policy now put U.S on the world stage by giving them the "policing" responsibility in the western hemisphere. -
Taft Katsura Agreement
After the Russo-Japanese War, the U.S recognized Japan's dominance in Korea, in return, Japan could not invade the Philippines. -
Treaty of Portsmouth
The Treaty of Portsmouth ended the Russo-Japanese War, in hopes of limiting Japanese gains. It was signed in Portsmouth, Maine. -
Dollar Diplomacy
Created by William Howard Taft, Dollar Diplomacy encouraged American business to migrate into foreign countries to assert American economic dominance. -
Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was created at the end of WWI and signed by the allied powers in order to make Germany pay war reparations. However, the Treaty of Versailles was a catalyst for WWII, causes German aggression in 1939. -
Washington Naval Conference
The Washington Naval Conference, called by the United States, sought to limit naval arms between Pacific powers. It created precedent that limited conflict -
Dawes Plan
The Dawes was implemented by the U.S. It loaned out money to Germany in order to fix Europe's economy as a whole. Overall the plan had no benefit to the U.S.. -
Kellogg-Briand Pact
The Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawed wars caused by aggression. The agreement was not very effective being that all majors powers that were involved WWII signed the pact. -
Clark Memorandum
The State Department issued this policy under Calvin Coolidge's administration, and it refuted America's right to intervene in Latin American affairs. It undermined the Roosevelt Corollary, and also contributed to the Good Neighbor policy. -
Stimson Doctrine
The Stimson Doctrine, implemented by the U.S., was created as a result of the Manchuria Crisis in 1931. It did not recognize foreign powers as sovereign because of aggression. -
Good Neighbor Policy
Introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Good Neighbor Policy allowed for American recognition of dictatorships in nearby countries.