Time Toast checkpoint #4

  • Atlanta Braves

    Atlanta Braves
    They are location at SunTrust Atlanta, Georgia. They are born on jan 20 1971. there manger is Brian Snitke
  • William B. Hartsfield

    William B. Hartsfield
    He was an American politician who served as the 49th and 51st Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. William B. Hartsfield was a man of humble origins.
  • Benjamin Mays

    Benjamin Mays
    He died march 28, 1984.
    Dr. Mays was a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King from the time he was a student until his murder in 1968
  • Atlanta Hawks

    Atlanta Hawks
    They had the NBA championships: 1958. There head coach is vacant. The Atlanta Hawks have never advanced past the second round of the NBA playoffs.
  • 1946 Civil Rights Act

    1946 Civil Rights Act
    Based on the 15th and the 19th amendments the right to vote was given to the non white
  • Herman Talmadge

    Herman Talmadge
    Herman was in the Democratic party. Herman had 1 book. He was from the state of Georgia.
  • 1946 Governor's Race

    1946 Governor's Race
    It was one of the most bizarre political episodes in American history.. For a brief period of time in 1947, Georgia had three governors.
  • Brown v. of Education

    Brown v. of Education
    the U.S. Supreme Court struck down racially segregated schools as unconstitutional in its landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling. Explore 10 illuminating facts about the lead-up to and aftermath.
  • 1956 state flag

    1956 state flag
    It was not a flag that all Georgians could rally around.Thirteen stars surrounding the seal denotes. Georgia's position as one of the original thirteen colonies.
  • Atlanta Falcons

    Atlanta Falcons
    They where born in 1965. There colors are on popular football teams.
  • Student Nonvolent Coordinating committee

    Student Nonvolent Coordinating committee
    Martin Luther King Jr.was at this. SNCC grew out of the southern christian leadership conferenceevent to. On Easter 1960, SCLC executive director, ella j. baker, organized a meeting at Shaw University, in Raleigh, North Carolina,
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Martin Luther King Jr led the March on Washington. the event was for jobs and freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial.
  • The Albany Movement

    The Albany Movement
    The Albany movement stared in 1961. The king ran out of marching.
  • Ivan Allen Jr.

    Ivan Allen Jr.
    He was born March 15, 1911. He died July 2, 2003. .He served as mayor of Atlanta from 1962 to 1970.
  • Atlanta Falcons

    Atlanta Falcons
    They went 48 years without pasting the second round of playoffs until 2015. The hawks won 1 championship.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    he was a Baptist minister and social activist. he played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mid 1950s.
  • Maynard Jackson Elected Mayor

    Maynard Jackson Elected Mayor
    Maynard Jackson died in 2003.He was a outspoken bond lawyer. He was born in Dallas, Texas.
  • john Lewis

    john Lewis
    He was one of the "Big Six" leaders of groups who organized the 1963 March on Washington.he played many key roles in the Civil Rights Movement and its actions to end legalized racial segregation in the United States.
  • hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter

    hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
    Holmes was also the first black student admitted to the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta two years later .they are one of the first two African American students admitted to UGA in 1961.
  • sibley commission

    sibley commission
    in 1960 Georgia governor Ernest Vandiver Jr., forced to decide between closing public schools. They created the General Assembly Committee on Schools.