Time Toast Activity

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Chicago at Lutheran General hospital
  • Moving away from Chicago

    Moving away from Chicago
    moving far away from everything I love
  • Started Figure Skating

    Started Figure Skating
    I started skating when I was 5 and haven't stopped since.
  • Period: to

    Goals for high school

    Short term: I want to do well this year and get more involve in activities
    Long term: I want be successful and leave here knowing I did the best I possibly could.
  • Started to Swim

    Started to Swim
    I started swimming in 2nd grade but wasn't on an official team until Freshman year of highschooll
  • Started working at Weber center

    I am a Figure Skating coach
  • Work in college

    Work in college
    I want to be a Intern at a manatee sanctuary and a part time figure skating teacher
  • Sophomore in college

    Sophomore in college
    Studying Marine Biology at Florida
  • Pet as an adult

    Pet as an adult
    I want a Husky mix and his/her name will be bubbles
  • Adult job

    Adult job
    I will have my own marine animal rescue center that helps save and protect marine creatures. The amount I will be making is undetermined