My mom got hurt having me i had to stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 weeks i was a little babay -
The doctors had to do a lot of work on me to help my mom went through a lot after her pregantcy it was hard -
mom got hurt
Right after my mom had me she took me out of the hospital after my weeks was over and her got hurt while pregant with my little sister -
First steps
This is when i was 3 years old and i took my first steps as a child my mom was so proud of me ans i also started talking -
My other sister had her 5 birthday she was having fun at her sleep over with her friends and i took her to the movies she went to watch panda 2 but she had fun -
My brother was born on this day even tho he gets on my nerves but i love my brother to death i will do anything for him but he had good years he is my best out of all my siblings. -
My first start was when i strat playing basketball when i was 4 i love playing basketball its my fav sport -
My sister had her first birthday at mr.getties she had fun she didnt know what she was doing she was two but she knows i love her -
team won
Navasota rattlers basketball team had won our first nationals basketball game we had fun we stayed in a hotel but it was fun we played good won a lot lost a lot it doesnt matter. -
play hard
We had a good year in 2014 but we had some good days and some bads days but nothing can take us out of our game we did good we played hard for the state championship -
This was a might to remeber the nigtht of christmas me and my family had a blast at home we spent time with each other it was cool -
spring break
For spring break me and my family had a good break we went to south carlonia to myrtle beach we had a blast it was the best break and we went rock climbing riding helocopter and we went to the beach we had fun. -
fang dance
I was in fang dance for a year in a half until i drop out but i liked it a lot they do a lot we used to go to a lot of places to dang it was amzazing. -
tour meet
Me and my cousin went to our first concert to watch nicki and meek mill we had a good time we had took a picture with them they had a good concerte it was fun. -
I was 11 and i had a good birthday it was at the chucky cheese and the movies i also had a sleep over but i had a blast me and my friends had fun -
This is when i got my first iphone i was 13 and i liked it even tho it was the 4 i wanted something better but i took what i wanted i give thanks to my parents. -
THe girls first basketball game started on november 18,2015 and it was home they playe great -
My cousin and brother had their first basketball tournment out of town we had a good time they won two and lost one they played the whole season with a great start and they finished with a good ending. -
We had a good week at school this week i had fun got my work done and got my grades up and everything i changed my attitude and got a little better