Period 6 Timeline

  • Bessemer Process is used by Andrew Carnegie

    Bessemer Process is used by Andrew Carnegie
    Years after its conception in 1856, Andrew Carnegie utilized the Bessemer Process to help boost steel production.
  • WCTU is Founded

    WCTU is Founded
    Francis Willard creates the Women's Christian Temperance Union to rally for support regarding a ban on alcohol
  • Telephone is created

    Telephone is created
    Alexander Graham Bell creates the telephone and makes the 1st ever call on this date
  • Railroad Strike of 1877

    Railroad Strike of 1877
    After Baltimore and Ohio cut wages a 3rd time, people began protesting, preventing trains from rolling until the cut was lifted.
  • Tuskegee Institute is founded

    Tuskegee Institute is founded
    The Tuskegee Institute is founded by Booker T. Washington to help train black teachers.
  • Standard Oil is established as a trust

    In 1882 because of laws against monopolies, Standard Oil becomes a trust officially
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
    This act was signed into law by Chester A. Arthur, prohibiting Chinese workers from immigrating into the U.S
  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    Pendleton Act of 1883
    This act was signed into law by Chester A. Arthur to establish a merit based system of reward in pertinence to federal jobs
  • Time Zones created

    Railroads began to set up a time zone system with four different zones for increased efficiency.
  • Alaska Becomes Part of The U.S

    After being purchased in 1867, Alaska becomes an official territory in 1884
  • Chinese Exclusion Act #2 is Approved

    Chinese Exclusion Act #2 is Approved
    This 2nd act of the Chinese Exclusion Act tightened the conditions of its predecessor act. This was signed by Chester A. Arthur.
  • Barbed Wire Condemnation

    The U.S Congress condemned the use of barbed wire around government owned areas and grounds
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    Haymarket Square in Chicago was full of protesters doing a peaceful labor rally that quickly went violent as a bomb went off, killing 7 policemen.
  • Dawes Act of 1887

    Signed by Grover Cleveland, the Dawes Allotment Act was an act that forced Native Americans to act as singular people, not as a tribe of people.
  • Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

    The ICA is signed by Grover Cleveland that was created to regulate the railroad business, especially its practices that seemed monopolistic.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act 0f 1890

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act 0f 1890
    Congress approves the act, thus officially banning trusts and strengthens the governments regulation on commerce.
  • Ocala Platform of 1890

    The platform created by a coalition of the Southern Farmer's Alliance, Colored Farmer's Alliance, and the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association, detailing specific demands that they wanted Congress to do for a better economy
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    The massacre of over 200 captured Sioux indians in Wounded Knee, South Dakota caused by U.S Cavalry
  • Forest Reserve Act of 1891

    This law established a presidential right to establish forest reserves apart from the public domain
  • Panic of 1893

    Panic of 1893
    The panic of 1893 ensues, causing closure of banks, a crash in the New York Stock Exchange, and an economic depression that lingers until 1897