time period 5

  • alamo

    The alamo was an important turning point in the texas revolution it was a mission that failed and led to many people being killed by Santa anna. It was a mission that got turned into a fort that was then turned into a siege by Mexicans.
  • manifest destiny

    manifest destiny
    The term Manifest destiny was created by the US to spread the idea that the US is run by God. This made it easy for the US to justify the removal of Native Americans. This affected multiple groups that were not accustomed to religion following god.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    This law required the government to help slave owners track down and return slaves that had escaped and were running to free states. The slaveholders had a right to reclaim the slaves that ran away once they were found and captured again.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    This is an anti-slavery novel that was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This book is written about a slave that is on his way to an auction by boat and he starts to try and save some of the slaves on the boat w him. Many say this was the groundwork for the civil war.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    29,670-square-mile region which is now southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that the US acquired from Mexico by the Treaty of Mesilla. This purchase took effect because they needed land to split and resolve conflicts between America and Mexico after the war.
  • Kanagawa Treaty

    Kanagawa Treaty
    This was the first treaty between the US and the Tokugawa shogunate. This treaty basically allowed them to open japan and have limited trade with japan. This also allowed the US to get back the sailors that were taken captive when their shipwrecked in Japanese waters.
  • Period: to

    bleeding kansas

    Bleeding Kansas was a mini-war that broke out between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces and this lasted 8 years. This broke because of the debate wether slavery should be legal. Northerners were anti-slavery and the southerners were pro-slavery this means that it was basically the north versus the south.
  • Suspension of habeas Corpus

    Suspension of habeas Corpus
    Lincoln suspended the habeas corpus to give the military the power they needed to silence the rebels. Under this suspension, they could arrest and keep people who they thought would interrupt military plans or actions.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter is where the first shots were taking at the start of the civil war. This fort then became a defense mechanism used for the confederates and then later was used as a hole in the Union blockade.
  • bull run

    bull run
    This is known as the first major land battle that occurred in the civil war because two untried armies met up on the battlefield. It had more union lives lost in comparison to confederate lives lost even though a large number of lives were taken.
  • anaconda plan

    anaconda plan
    This plan was created by the union to take down the confederacy at the beginning of the civil war. The plan was to gain control over the Mississippi River and close down ports that would internally trap the south from the outside world.
  • Antietam

    This became known as the bloodiest and most gruesome one day battle the US had ever seen; there were more than 23,000 deaths during this one day battle. This battle was significant because it ended the confederate invasion and led to a union victory.
  • emancipation proc.

    emancipation proc.
    The emancipation proclamation was the proc. that lincoln signed to allowed all slaves in slave states to now to be free. This was the abolishment of slaves and slave states because all states and people were free from slavery.
  • 10% plan

    10% plan
    This plan that was formed by lincoln made it to where a southern state could be readmitted into the union if 10% of their voters swore under oath to abide by union laws. This took place during the US civil war.
  • Sherman’s March

    Sherman’s March
    This march was supposed to scare Georgia's citizens to abandon the confederacy. During this march anyone who tried to fight back, they stole food and their livestock and would burn their barns.
  • Freedmen’s Bureau

    Freedmen’s Bureau
    This was established by Congress to help former black slaves and poor whites after the civil war gets the aid that they needed. This happened during the reconstruction period after the war.
  • black codes

    black codes
    These black codes or laws that were passed where the governing of the conduct that newly free black men had to follow. It specified the conduct they must follow. These were set to restrict their freedoms and make them work for low wages.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    These were four statues passed during the reconstruction period after the civil war. These four acts were: south divided into 5 military districts until solved by congress, All males, regardless of race, excluding former Confederate leaders, could run for government positions, voting rights for all men doesn't matter the race, southern states had to ratify 14th amendment in order to get readmitted in the union.