Time line post break assesment

  • 1398

    The Renaissance period generally begins

    The Renaissance period generally begins
  • 1419

    Prince Henry’s navigation school founded

  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

  • 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
  • 1498

    Vasco da Gama finds water route around the tip of Africa

    Cape of Good Hope
  • 1504

    Michelangelo’s David

    Michelangelo’s David
  • 1511

    Erasmus’ Praise of Folly published

  • 1517

    95 Theses nailed to door of Wittenberg church

    95 Theses nailed to door of Wittenberg church
  • 1519

    Mona Lisa finished

    Mona Lisa was never actually finished, but this was the last year she was worked on
  • 1520

    Peak of Ottoman Empire

    start in 1520
    end in 1566
  • 1521

    Cortez conquered the Aztecs

  • 1521

    Martin Luther put on a trial at the Diet of Worms

  • 1522

    Magellan circumnavigates the globe

    Start - September 1519
    End - September 1522
  • 1526

    Start of Mughal Empire

  • 1530

    Tobacco introduced to Europe

  • 1532

    Pissarro conquered the Incas

    Pissarro conquered the Incas
  • 1534

    Anglican Church started

    Anglican Church started
  • 1543

    Copernicus’ Heliocentric theory published

    Copernicus’ Heliocentric theory published
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
  • Galileo’s first telescope built

  • Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar published

    Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar published
  • William Harvey discovered circulation of blood

    William Harvey discovered circulation of blood
  • Taj Mahal is built

    Taj Mahal is built
    Start - 1632
    End - 1648
  • Newton’s Laws of gravity published in the Principia