4004 BCE
God Speaks Creation into existence. -
Period: 3969 BCE to 3030 BCE
Life of Adam
Life and Death of Adam -
Period: 2913 BCE to 1963 BCE
Life of Noah
The life and death of Noah -
2313 BCE
The Great Flood
God causes The Great Flood -
Period: 2050 BCE to 1550 BCE
Egyptian Middle Kingdom
Began when Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II reunited upper and lower Egypt which set the stage for the second boom in Egyptian culture. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE
Early Bronze Age
Period: 1960 BCE to 1785 BCE
Life of Abraham
The life and death of Abraham -
Period: 1900 BCE to 549 BCE
The Assyrian Empire
From the founding of their first city to when the Babylonians ruled over them during the decline of their empire -
1885 BCE
God Calls Abram/Abraham
Abram is living in Haran and God calls him saying. "I will make you into a great nation, and i will bless you..." -
1875 BCE
Gods promise to Abraham
God promises that Abraham will have a son and establishes a covenant with him. -
Period: 1806 BCE to 1680 BCE
Life of Isaac
Life and death of Isaac -
Period: 1525 BCE to 1405 BCE
Life of Moses
Life and death of Moses -
Period: 1500 BCE to 1200 BCE
Middle Bronze Age
Period: 1490 BCE to 1380 BCE
Life of Joshua
Life and death of Joshua -
1275 BCE
The Exodos
Period: 1244 BCE to 879 BCE
Time of the Judges
Ruth lived during the time of The Judges -
Period: 1200 BCE to 500 BCE
Late Bronze Age
Period: 1200 BCE to 500 BCE
Iron Age I and II
1051 BCE
The book of Judges
this date suggests that it was written shortly after Saul's coronation. -
Period: 1050 BCE to 1010 BCE
King Saul is anointed by Samuel and is king of Israel
Period: 1010 BCE to 970 BCE
King David rules Israel
Period: 970 BCE to 930 BCE
King Solomon is king of Israel
Period: 970 BCE to 930 BCE
King Solomon starts building the Temple in Israel
931 BCE
Divided Kingdom
When the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin became the Kingdom of Judah stayed loyal to king Rehoboam, and the northern tribe of Israel became the kingdom of Israel appointing Jeroboam is king. Thus being two separate kingdoms. -
Period: 790 BCE to 739 BCE
Became king of Judah at the age of sixteen and was king for 52 years. -
Period: 760 BCE to 755 BCE
Amos' time of prophecy. Amos meant to carry. and Amos carried the messages of God to the people of Israel. -
730 BCE
Isaiah Prophecy Judgments
On Israel and on Assyria as well as the Root of Jesse -
722 BCE
Fall of Israel
The Assyrians conquer Israel -
Period: 715 BCE to 686 BCE
King of Judah at Jerusalem 13th successor of David. -
Period: 640 BCE to 609 BCE
Became king at the age of 8. Repairs the Temple and renewed the covenant of the LORD. -
Period: 633 BCE to 654 BCE
Nahum was a prophet who foretold the destruction of Nineveh. -
Period: 626 BCE to 582 BCE
A prophet who was called in the 13th year of Josiah's reign and taken to Egypt in 582 after the fall of the kingdom -
Period: 612 BCE to 539 BCE
Babylonian Empire
605 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar makes his first attacks on Jerusalem
In the Attack Daniel and his friends are taken -
605 BCE
Nebuchadnezzar becomes king of Babylon
Period: 604 BCE to 537 BCE
Daniel begins ministry after being taken to Babylon and doesn't compromise by eating forbidden meat. Daniel receives multiple visions and interprets them, Daniel finished writing his book around the age of 91. -
597 BCE
Second Attack on Judah
Second wave of captives taken to Babylon -
Period: 593 BCE to 565 BCE
While in Babylon received visions of heaven and was called to ministry. Ezekiel most likely finished the writing of his book by 565 -
586 BCE
Fall of Judah
Jerusalem is burned to the ground and the temple destroyed -
Period: 586 BCE to 516 BCE
Babylonian Exile
from the fall of Judah to when the temple was rebuilt and dedicated in Jerusalem -
Period: 550 BCE to 330 BCE
Persian Empire
Period: 539 BCE to 516 BCE
Recorded events in the book of Haggai
the book of Haggai records the events of when the prophet Haggai spoke. -
538 BCE
Edict of Cyrus
King Cyrus of Persia facilitates the release of the Jews from Babylonian captivity. -
Period: 500 BCE to 400 BCE
Ezra and the great assebly cannoniz the Old Testament
Period: 445 BCE to 433 BCE
Events of Nehemiah