Time Line of the Loyalist.

  • Currency Act

    This event is when the British Parliament argued that colonies currency is effecting the British trade. So, the British banned the American assemble form looking at the bills the that come form the 13 colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    this event is when the British ordered the colonists to feed and build houses to the British army.
  • Stamp Act

    This event is when the British made a laws when the people in the 13 colonists have tax stamps and stamps and other things so, the things don't get indirectly go to people in British and this help British know who payed there taxes.
  • The Boston Massacre

    This event is when the British fought against the people that lived in the 13 colonists because they were not follow there laws and they were not paying the taxes. So, the British attack with them knowing.
  • Boston Tea Party

    This event is when after the workers that live in the 13 colonies got all the tea and put it all in the ship that takes it to British. But, at that night some of the workers were really mad about how they would pay the taxes so, it can go to British and how they are not getting treat well. So, at that night they dumped all the tea on the Boston Harbour.