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Time Line of Russian History

  • Apr 18, 1200

    Mongol warriors from Asia conquer Kievan rus

    Mongol warriors from Asia conquer Kievan rus
    Mongols come to Kievan rus and conquer it driving the slavs into slavery.
  • Apr 18, 1400

    Ivan 3 rejected mongol rule.

    Ivan 3 rejected mongol rule.
    Ivan 3 rejected mongol rule and declared independence. He was known as Ivan the Great
  • Jun 21, 1547

    Ivan 4 ruled Russia with an iron fist

    Ivan 4 ruled Russia with an iron fist
    Ivan 4 was called Ivan the terrible because he used secret police to do his bidding. Ivan the terrible killed Millions of people with his secret police.
  • St. Peters burg is built

    St. Peters burg is built
    Peter the Great built St. Petersburg on the east cost as the new capital.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte was beat by the Russians

    Napoleon Bonaparte was beat by the Russians
    Napoleon tried to capture Moscow and had little supplies so thousands of men died from the lack of supplies and constant Russian attacks.
  • Alexander 2 freed the 40 million serfs

    Alexander 2 freed the 40 million serfs
    Czar Alexander 2 freed the 40million serfs but they were not free from poverty.
  • Russia fights in World War 1

    Russia fights in World War 1
    Russia joins France and Britain to defeat Austria and Germany.
  • Revolts happen across russia protesting Czar Nicholas

    Revolts happen across russia protesting Czar Nicholas
    Everyone blames Czar Nicholas 2 for killing Millions in the war and food shortages.
  • U.S.S.R.

    The U.S.S.R. is formed by Vladmir Lenin.
  • Communsim fails and all communist governments fall

    Communsim fails and all communist governments fall
    By 1991 all comunist governments have been destroyed and Russians are looking both to the past as to the future.
  • Slavs build kiev

    Slavs build kiev
    The semi-legendary warrior Rurik leads a group of vikings and builds Kiev. The empire is later called Kievan rus.
  • Kievan rus accepts Christianity

    Kievan rus accepts Christianity
    Kievan rus accepts Christianity as official religion
  • Period: to

    Time line of Russia