Time line of Life

By mmb5278
  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born
  • I became a older sister

    I became an older sister to my little brother Cayman
  • First day of Kindergarten

    First day of Kindergarten
    My first day of school, I would walk to school with my older sister faith and we went to O' Connor elementary for a short minute
  • Mexico

    It was the first time that I had went out of the country, us three girls will go any where with a beach and shopping
  • Hot air balloon ride

    Hot air balloon ride
    My mom and dad surprised us with a hot air balloon ride
  • First day of Jr High

    First day of Jr High
    The first day of Jr high, stapily Jr high school
  • A ride

    A ride
    Just a clasic ride with my horse on Christmas Day could not imagen anything better
  • The beach

    The beach
    Even though its still COVID and 2020 that dose not stop my family from going to the beach
  • Hang Gliding

    Hang Gliding
    The first time I went across country by my self to the Outer Banks in North Carolina and went hang gliding
  • New York

    New York
    Over October break I went New York with my sister and mom (girls trip!!!) we saw Harry Styles