The Seminoles Emerged
The Seminoles Emerged -
Yamasee Rebellion
Yamasee Rebellion -
The Introduction of domestic live stalk
The Introduction of domestic live stalk -
The Choctaw had spinning wheels
A missionary reported that The Choctaw had spinning wheels -
Choctaws, Cherokees and Chickasaws were settleing
Choctaws, Cherokees and Chickasaws were settleing in Arkensas, Indian Territory, and eastern Texas. -
Period: to
The Semioles Fought
The Semioles Fought a costly war. -
War started
The War of 1812, a definitive victory of the english. -
Period: to
When the Tribes signed the treadies.
When the Tribes signed the treadies. -
Creek and Cherokee groups moved west after treaties were signed.
Thomas Nuttall travled to Arkensas.
Thomas Nuttall travled to Arkensas. -
Some Choctaw families signed in to Missassipe
Some Choctaw families signed in to Missassipe -
Period: to
Preasure on the tribes
Congress followed the actions of the states
Congress followed the actions of the states with the Indian Removal Act. -
Period: to
The Seminoles moved to indian Territory
The Seminoles moved to indian Territory (oklahoma) -
About 4,000 Seminoles were captured.
About 4,000 Seminoles were captured and sent to the indian territory. -
A missionary described the Choctaws in indian terratiory.
A missionary described the Choctaws in indian terratiory -
another small group from Seminoles was sent
another small group was sent to Indian Territory -
Choctaws made a tea.
Choctaws made a tea out of boiled black root as a laxative.