Time Line

  • Birth

    I was born and i was names Andrew Paul Hillier. I was the newest member of the Hillier Family. I was named Andrew because I was named after someone famous that my mom liked.
  • Period: to


  • First younger brother

    First younger brother
    A year later my younger brother Ryan was born. He then was the newest member of the Hillier family, Ryan also was named after someone famous. Ryan and I have alot of stuff in common and now he is the brother im closest to.
  • Twin Brothers?!?!

    Twin Brothers?!?!
    My twin brothers Nick and Randy were born. They are the last kids from my parents, They are youngest so it is important that I look over them and I have to be a good role model for them.
  • Kindergarten

    I started Kindergarten and my first Kindergarten teacher Mrs Brown was super nice. I was so happy that day because my older brother was in school so I thought it would be cool to be in school to. I made alot of friends and at the time almost everyone was my friend.
  • Feild trip!

    Feild trip!
    I Went on a feild trip in 5th grade to Camp Tamarack for 2 nights and 3 days. I learned how to make a golden smore and i was so proud of myself. Camp Tamarack was so fun I will never forget it and I wish to go again some day.
  • 6th Grade?!

    6th Grade?!
    It was the beggining of 6th grade my last year of elementary school. I was really happy that I was in the oldest group of the school. I made a few new friends and I currently still am their friends.
  • Bad choices

    Bad choices
    I threw an eraser at a friend in class to get her attention and i got in trouble. Then I cried and I and begged not to get and sort of detention untill i proved to them i was sorry. I learned my lesson to behave in class and dont throw erasers.
  • 6TH grade feild trip!

    6TH grade feild trip!
    I went on a feild trip to Rollhaven a roler areana. Our school went with the other elementary schools and i made a lot of other friends from the other schools. I also learned how to roler blade and now I love it!
  • Football!

    I started playing football for the schools going into 7th grade because my older brother played. I went out and played and it was the first sport I ever played so at first I was pumped and exited. But at the end I found out I hate football and it was not fun.
  • 7th grade!

    7th grade!
    My first day of middle school was at Karl Rictor Campus and I was super nervous because I had my first locker, I hade to ride the bus with Highschoolers and I was scared and I was so scared i almost cried. But by the end of the day I made a new friend and the day turned out to be really fun and I was looking forward to going the next day. My second year of Middle school I went to Sherman Middle school for a year.
  • Basketball?

    I found out I really love basketball when my friend eric asked me to play basketball with him. I practiced and he told me to try out for the 8th grade team because I wasnt to bad. Then I practiced really hard for the 8th grade team next year and I made it as manager.
  • Cedar Point

    Cedar Point
    I went to a feild trip to Cedar Point in 7th grade for the first time and at first I was too scared to ride the big ones. The Dragster was my biggest fear but my friends couraged me to ride all the rides. Now it is my favorite amusement park and the Dragster is my favorite ride.
  • Universal Studios Florida!

    Universal Studios Florida!
    My best friend Eric took me to Florida with him to go to Universal Studios with his grandparents and his mom. It was my first time in Florida and our favorite part in Florida was riding the rides. I hade the best summer yet with my best friend.
  • Try outs

    Try outs
    I tried out for the 8th grade basketball team and I didnt make it and I was quite upset. My parents didnt want to drive me places to practice every day so later my parents bought me a basketball court. Now I can practice for the 9th grade team and get better!
  • High school!

    High school!
    It was my first day of highschool and I was really scared and upset because I kept getting lost and were confused on were my classes were. Once I got to my classes I made a ton of new friends and I ate lunch with them. Then my whole day got better and I went home and told my mom how my first doy of highschool was!