Time line - Caroline Thompson

  • 1764 BCE

    Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    A law enforced by Britain to increase British income by preventing the smuggling of molasses into the American colonies and raising higher taxes and duties.
  • 1689 BCE

    English bill of right

    English bill of right
    The original Act of the English Parliament that firmly established the principles of frequent parliaments, free elections and freedom of speech within Parliament
  • 1620 BCE

    Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    An agreement made between the pilgrims and other passengers on the may flower who formed their own government.
  • Jamestown House of Burgess

    Jamestown House of Burgess
    First elected legislative body in the British American colonies
  • Petition Of rights

    Petition Of rights
    Was signed by king Charles and included matters of taxation, the application of martial law, imprisonment without trial, and the billeting of troops on civilian households.