vaporwave, Micheal Jackson, bon jovi, guns n roses, the police\ all this type was music was popular to kids and adults back in th 18's ( https://www.metv.com/lists/10-totally-awesome-christmas-toys-we-had-to-have-in-the-1980s ) -
spectaurs, California raisins, mr potato, gameboy / back in the 80s they didnt have things like phones, laptops or expensive jewelry, instead they had old toys like gameboys rock em sock em and simon ( https://www.metv.com/lists/10-totally-awesome-christmas-toys-we-had-to-have-in-the-1980s ) -
cook, cashier and home repair technician lead/ they were not like us and have electricy they were very low on jobs and money ( https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/1981/02/art1full.pdf )