Time Capsule Eli Fisk

  • Sports Figure

    Sports Figure
    1Born December 30, 1949
    2Race director of LOndon marathon
    3Great distance runner during pros
    4 David Bedford
  • U.S. President

    U.S. President
    1Born May 29,1917
    2Served as President for 3 years: 1961-1963
    3He was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald
    4John F. Kennedy
  • Transportation

    1his was a Mid-Sized automobile, produced by Chevy.
    2he most successful name plates.
    3ifferent body styles were produced.
    4Chevy Chevelle
  • Television Program/show

    Television Program/show
    1 medical comedy
    1General Practioner
    Dr. Steven Kiley
  • Fashion

    1ashion essential in the 70s
    2omen had colorful hats
    3en had black normal hats
    4loppy hats
  • Toys

    Was called "squibbily"
    1 Silly String can propel up to 20 feet
    2It was BANNED in Hollywood on Halloween night, incurring a $1000 fine or 6 months in jail for use, possession, sale, or distribution. 3 hey were crazy!
    Silly String
  • Music

    1.Sugarloaf LOVES to sing
    2They were a rock band
    3They were originally known as Chocolate Hair
  • Form of technology

    Form of technology
    1.Intel introduced its first microbit processor
    2 Atari shipped Pong, the first video game
    3 5.25 inch diskettes first appear.
  • Movie (1970s)

    Movie (1970s)
    1. Real horrible Crime 2 really intersting Mystery 3 Crime dynasty
  • Actor or Actress

    Actor or Actress
    1 Was named "January Wayne"
    2 Born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    3 Starred in Jacky Susann's "Once Is Not Enough"