Time Capsule 1990s

By s70387p
  • Actress

    A very famous one was Julia Roberts. She was known as one of the most successful actresses at the time. She became one of the world's highest-paid actresses. She got the title of "American sweetheart".
  • Fashion

    One form of fashion was baggy jeans. They were worn by lots of people and they were considered one of the most iconic pieces from that time. Another one is lepord print. People would wear lepord print on everything and it was a huge thing then. The last big thing was denim. People would wear lots of it. Like jackets, jeans, shirts , and anything else they could find.
  • Music

    3 artists from the 90s are Micheal Jackson, Mariah Carry, and Madonna. Micheal Jackson was known as the “king of pop”, known as one of the most significant figures of the time. In the Guinness Book of World Records, Mariah Carey is considered one of the greatest singers. And Madona was called the “queen of pop”. http://www.skooldays.com/categories/music/mu1110.htm
  • U.S President

    U.S President
    The President at the time was Bill Clinton. He served for 8 years. He was in office from 1993-2001. He was the 42nd US president. And he was 46 years old when he first got in.
  • Shows.

    One show was this show called "NewsRadio". The show first started in early 1995. The last episode was in early May of 1999. The show had multiple genres—comedy, romance, sitcom, and slapstick.
  • Movie

    A popular movie is clueless. Clueless was made in 1995. Its still a popular movie now. It was based off of a 1815 novel made by Jane Austen.
  • Sports Figure

    Sports Figure
    The one I chose is Micheal Jordan. He won multiple championships and multiple NBA titles. He also won the MVP award. In 1995-1996 his team the Bulls set a league record at the time of 72 wins
  • Toys

    One big toy was Tamagotchi. The average price for one then was around $18. Another one was Bop It. Bop it was the first ever toy like that. There was also Furby. But they got discontinued in 1999 because of reports of them reading information.