Time Capsule 1980s

By TobyMo
  • Transportation

    1980 Mustang 2-Door Sedan
    The car was $5,338 (Basic Coupe)
    271,332 Mustangs were sold
    The basic Hatch Back was 5,816
  • Fashion

    Purple Lipstick
    Girls would wear purple lipstick to stand out
    Hair with tons of volume
    Your hair was either permed big and fluffy or it was crimped into locks
    Power suits with shoulder pads
    These where all the rage a long with spandex and lots of other things
  • President

    Jimmy Carter 1977-1981
    He was the 39th president.
    He was the 76th governor of Georgia
    He was born October 1, 1924
  • Movie

    A Christmas Story 1983
    The actors still receive checks from the hit movie
    In the movie, they use a wax mold of a bar of soap so he does not get sick from the soap being in his mouth
    The movie takes place in Hohman, Indiana
  • Athlete

    Michael Jordan 1983
    He was on the LA Lakers
    He played basketball
    He was an olympian champion
  • Toys

    Polly Pocket
    Polly Pocket is a small toy that can fit into your pocket
    Etch a sketch
    You can draw so many pictures on an etch a sketch
    Sony Walkman
    You can listen to all of the music that you had on tapes
  • Music

    Witney Houston-She wrote “I want to dance with somebody”
    Michael Jackson-He was just an icon.
    Billy Joel-Yeah I don’t really know who this person is
  • News Event

    News Event
    Challenger disaster 1986 The Challenger was set off to put a satellite into orbit
    A Social studies teacher was on the space shuttle and died when it exploded
    Nasa Sent the first ever Black person on that space shuttle
  • Actress

    Julia Roberts 1988
    She started to kick off her acting in 1988
    She is really pretty
    One of her movies is “Mystic Pizza”
  • Tv Show

    Tv Show
    The wonder years 1988-1993
    It takes place in the late 60s early 70s
    The main character’s story is told in the third person
  • Technology

    The Nentendo GameBoy 1989
    It came out on April 21 1989 in japan and in the same year it came out on July 31 in North America
    The game bot is an 8-bit fourth generation that you can hold like a phone.
    It was 89.99 dollars to get it