time but even line

  • The invention of the Model T

    First car mass produced car
  • The Zimmerman Telegram

    caused ww1
  • The WWI Armistice

  • The 19th Amendment

    women can now vote
  • Charles Lindbergh’s Flight

    single engine plane. 3,600 miles
  • Black Thursday

    wallstreet crash
  • The New Deal

  • Hitler becomes chancellor

  • The Munich Pact

    end of ww1
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    He invaded them for the Jewish.
  • Pearl Harbor

    japan did a oppsy.
  • D-Day

    Beaches of Normandy
  • Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    Bombs but now getting rid of citys. NEAR YOU!
  • The formation of United Nations

    Big alliance
  • The Long Telegram

    Telegram but longer
  • The formation of NATO

    Big alliance
  • Russians acquire the Atomic Bomb

    They got one.
  • The Korean War

    war in Korea
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Public school segregation
  • The war in Vietnam start

    a war between the north and south a Vietnam that America got in to.
  • Rosa parks wont give up her seat.

  • Cuban missile crisis start date

    Cuba had missiles, That needed to change
  • JFK assassination

    JFK was assassinated.
  • The golf of Tokin Resolution

    Peace in southeast asia
  • Apollo 11 landing

    rocket to moon.
  • Watergate break in

    Nixon stealing blackmail.
  • Nixon’s Resignation

    He resigned
  • The invention of the internet

    Its like fire 2.0
  • Fall of the berlin wall

    Cold war began to thaw.
  • 9/11

    2 planes hit the twin towers on september, 11, 2001
  • COVID 19

    Fast spreading virus that started in 2019.