He was born on the same day I was
He was said to have been born in on one of my favorite years. And he was born on the same day that I was -
Distinctive characteristics
Just he has stripes and it stands out I have two different sizes eyes and big ears that stand out to a lot of people -
My favorite character
When I was very little at the age of 3 Winnie the pooh was my favorite movie to watch along with The Grinch. When I was watching the movie Winnie the pooh I would have my little tigger bouncy ball that I would sit on and every time I would see tigger I jump around and laugh -
Favorite thing to do
One of my favorite things to do is just bounce around and have fun. I can go from one place to another without anybody knowing and it freaks people out -
I found out that Tigger and I have a lot in common
We are both fun loving, Happy, playful, Silly, Energetic, and sensitive -
As Winnie the pooh states tigger always seems bigger when he is bouncing, fun loving and energetic. That same description and be put to me. I am a lot more fun to be around if I am in a good mood. -
Tigger in all of the movies has a very good sense of optimism. He always that no matter what happens something good will always come out of it. I have that same mentality. -
Wrong word
Tigger is also very bad at pronunciations which I can relate to because I am the same way. I don't care if I pronounce something wrong. It is just what I do -
Bad Inventions
Tigger likes to invent things but sometimes his inventions don't always work for the use he has intended. He may create something that is not good at all. And the he makes a mistake and it works for a different use. That is so me -
Tigger is very clumsy to help others. He may help others with out knowing the danger that is there. Or he knows be he doesn't care. That is me all the way -
Sounds like me
Loving and Friendly
It's in the description of tigger by Disney that Tigger is loving and friendly to the core which I think is true about me to. Once you get to know me and can be very loving, lively, friendly and other things too but if I don't know you I can get pretty shy and I blush a lot too.