7.1- Transition to Middle School
The transition from elementary to middle school was easier for me, since I had a positive relationship with friends and I was in a Deaf school, so my transition was a team-oriented event, like the textbook said (Santrock, 2014, p. 343). My Deaf school was a small one, I've been with the same classmates since kindergarten until the day we graduated from middle school. I already knew my classmates well enough so my transition was a comfortable one. -
1.1 Entering Adolescence
Not too long after I turned 12 on September 27th, I started my puberty right then when I had my first period, and so I believe that is when I became an adolescent. Looking at the textbook (Santrock, 2014, p.17-18), regarding the multiple changes to my life after transitioning from childhood to adolescence; I would say that my transition does match what the textbook said about the transition. I did began to participate in more intimate conversations, and my sleeping schedule changed too. -
2.1 Early Maturer
What the textbook said about early maturers like myself, I have to say that the description does not fit me. Because at that period of time, I was rather a docile girl, very quiet and passive. However, there is one description that does fit me: early-maturing girls' higher level of internalizing problems was linked to their heightened sensitivity to interpersonal stress (Santrock, 2014, p. 61). I usually internalize all my problems which caused me to lose control of my temper, but it got better. -
2.1 Early Maturer continued
I was internalizing all my problems because I was going through a rough period with my family which caused some stress. If I matured later than at that time, I think it would be most likely the same because my temper was something that I've always had all my life until I learned how to control it more effectively. -
3.1 Imaginary Audience
At that time, I just entered High school at a young age of 14 years old, I was more "conscious" of how others would look at me, judging me, maybe even more so than what other teenagers would, mainly because of my older brother's reputation as a social butterfly. My brother was very charming, social, and quite good-looking so I felt like I would never be able to be like him in terms of appearance. Formal Operation contributed in this because how everyone would judge me was hypothetical, not real. -
4.1- Gender-Typed Behavior
When I was entering high school, I indeed did exhibited some behavior that is expected of girls my age, such as participating in rapport talk and less interest in high level mathematics or anything to do with it. While I was less social than girls, I was also "people orinetated" than "thing orientated", like girls. I do view myself as empathic and I am more better at decoding emotions, as the text said. I also exhibited more internalized emotions since I don't like to talk about my problems. -
4.2- Non-Gender Typed Behavior
I also acted differently than most girls, since I was like boys in terms of spending time alone and less likely to engage in self-disclosure with anyone. Text said that girls is more likely to engage in relational aggression which is true since there was a lot of rumors flying in school about me caused by girls, I, however; don't participate in that type of activity. I hate to spread rumors, I usually heard about it but I don't spread it further. -
3.2- Idealism
I would say that I am quiet but I can also be animated when around my family or close friends. I am somewhat of a bookworm, so I tend to not socialize with my peers that often with expection of my brother's friends. I am also naive in several subjects, or rather my street smarts is lacking so I am not exactly that good of a conversationalist. -
2.2 Niche-Picking
Around that time, I already knew that my preferred type of environment was on Gallaudet campus. But to be specific, I usually go to a place where there is little to no people, since I preferred to be by myself 90% of the time. In High School, there wasn't a lot of places where I could be alone, besides my home and my dorm room. But there was one of my preferred place, which was library, primarily in Horror section. I love Horror books so much that it's my preferred place where I can be alone. -
7.3- Intrinsic Motivation
I already had self-determination since I was a young girl, at about 10 years old. But I have never realized it until my Junior year in high school, when I realized I want to go to Graduate School. My motivation was to separate myself from my family, I want to be recognized as Tiffany, not as a VanBoxlaere. Also, I want to be the first VanBoxlaere family member to graduate with a Masters. Thanks to that motivation, I had higher academic achievement and got into National Honor Society. -
6.2- Companionship
My friends in high school sevred as a person who was willing to spend time with me, talking about our favorite shows, books, etc... They also was willing to play games with me, watch movies together, and participate in school activities with me. My friends does indeed match what the textbook said about companionship function. -
6.3- Intimacy
In high school, I was able to find friends that I can trust my secrets with, be close to each other and be ourselves without fear of being judged. My friends does indeed match what the textbook said about the Intimacy/affection function since we are close and very trusting of each other. -
8.1- Rite of Passage
There wasn't any specific or official rite of passage, since I was already completely embedded in Deaf culture when I was born. As textbook said about high school graduation may be considered a rite of passage in Americian Cutlure. However other one that can be considered as such is first sexual intercourse, I have already passed my end of adolescence on September 27, 2014 and I still haven't had sexual intercourse, so I have yet to complete that rite of passage. -
7.2- Transition to College
My transition from high school to college, was a bit easier compared to everyone else because my high school is on the same campus as my college is. I am already familiar with the area, how Gallaudet works, social life in Gallaudet. However, as textbook described, I did indeed feel more stressted compared to when I was in high school. Because I had more responsibilities, people had high expectations for me due to my family's history with Gallaudet and I wasn't exactly a social person. -
6.1- Parent Adolescent Conflict
I was beginning to assert my independence, but my mother was a bit too maternal towards me so we often have a conflict. I am able to be independent, I can do my own homework without my mother reminding me, I can take care of errands and money by myself. But even so, my mother still nags me about every little thing, can't I be independent without my mother looking from behind my shoulder? She also nags me about my clothing choice, what's wrong with the way I dress? I like this style. -
3.3- Social Comparison
Even though I hate to compare myself to my group of friends, but I often find myself doing so. For example, They are more social, I am not. They are more likely to get into a romantic relationship, I am less likely to get into a romantic relationship and is more likely to become a nun because of it. They love to go out and travel, I don't, I prefer to stay in my room. -
1.2 Emerging Adulthood
I am sure that as soon as I turn 21, I will begin my transition from adolescence to early adulthood. I believe that this date is appriorate because typically, one would become an adult once they reach of age (Which, in USA, is 21). In the textbook, (Santrock, 2014, p.19-20), I am already starting to notice the changes within myself in terms of being self-focused, and I am also starting to explore my identity, specifically in love and relationships. So my transition does somewhat matches the text