Tierra Bonita 2020

  • Explore Technolgy

    Techers explore the best technology (laptops vs. tablets, Mac vs. PC) for the district.
  • Period: to

    Tierra Bonita Road to 2020

  • Technology Upgrade

    District is prepared for the SBAC by updating computer systems and ensuring the network is ready to handle to the load.
  • Full Common Core Implementation

    Teachers have now shifted from previous state standards and are working and collaborating using CCSS.
  • Distict Shared Vision Solidifed

    District invites all stakeholders to develop a vision that embraces every students academic future
  • Student Driven Teaching

    Teachers now faciliate the classroom instruction and students interests drive the instruction and learning. Students are encouraged to reseach and pursue their interests using the technology available to them from the school.
  • Students Make Their Groups

    Students form their groups based on their interests not their proficiency level defined by testsof the past. Students explore their learning together using their strenghts and not focusing on weaknesses.
  • Common Core Boost

    Walking through the classrooms most teaching is focused around project based learning. Students are sitting groups and the teacher is no longer at the front of the room lecturing. Students are posing the question and using their resoucres to find solutions and answers.
  • 1:1 Implementation

    Students are now using school personal devices in the classroom and using the cloud to share and store assignments. Teachers are now comfortable with using technology in the classroom and allowing students to explore and own their own education.
  • Culture Shift

    The culture of the school has now shifted from a traditional setting to a more collaborative community. Grade levels work with eachother and have discussions based on their interests, students work in a cross curricular setting.
  • Textbooks?

    Students are now using texts on the mobile devices. Most assignments and readings come from the web. Backpacks, paper, writing instruments are rarely seen. Studets and teachers work comfortably from their devices
  • iSchool

    Apple or PC the school has fully embraced the learning style of the 21st Century learner. Students feel comfortable and own their education while the teacher faciliates. There are no computer labs, lab time, blocked time; learning happens from well thought out questions and through investigation and exploration the school and community nurish and foster the individuals learning.