ICT history

  • 1440


    The German, Johannes Gutenberg, was the one who created the printing press.
    I have chosen this as the first one, because the invention of the printing press made possible the multiplication of texts in the Middle Ages, when book publishing was very restricted, it revolutionized culture by expanding the number of potential readers by multiplying the number of books and reducing their cost.
  • Camera

    The first camera that was small enough to be considered portable was designed by Johann Zahn.
    Photography has allowed us to freeze a moment for eternity.
  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    Scotsman James Watt's steam engine was invented in 1765 and patented in 1769. Watt's machines were built in 1774 by a company owned by the inventor.
    The steam engine was used extensively during the Industrial Revolution, in whose development it played an important role in moving machines and devices as diverse as pumps, locomotives and marine engines.
  • Computer

    The first mechanical computer was created in 1822 by Charles Babbage.
    The first large and expensive digital computers were used primarily for scientific calculations.
  • Car

    On January 29, 1886, Carl Benz patented his “gasoline-powered motor vehicle” with three wheels, and it was considered the birth day of the automobile.
    It provides us with the possibility of transporting ourselves in less time, with less effort, in a safer way, especially over longer distances.
  • International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

    International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
    The founder of IBM was Charles Flint. Is an American multinational technology corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, with operations in over 171 countries.
    IBM produces and sells computer hardware, middleware and software, and provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology.
  • Television

    The story begins in 1926, when the engineer John Logie Baird invented television after several attempts to copy the radio's electromagnetic wave system. With a great economic effort and without receiving help from investors.
  • Internet

    This date has been agreed by historians to establish the birth of the Internet. Since that was when ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was created, a computer network that made it possible to connect various North American universities.
  • Advanced Micro Devices AMD

    Advanced Micro Devices AMD
    The birth of AMD and the history of its processors. AMD was founded by a group of Fairchild Semiconductor executives, including Jerry Sanders III, Edwin Turney, John Carey, Steven Simonsen, Jack Gifford, Frank Botte, Jim Giles, and Larry Stenger.
    It is currently the second largest manufacturer in the market for desktop processors and graphics cards.
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates Paul Allen was the founder. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology corporation which produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services.
  • Apple

    It was born with the purpose that every home had a personal computer and not only has it succeeded. It has revolutionized people's lives with inventions like the iPhone, the first smartphone.
  • Word

    The first version of Microsoft Word was a development by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie.
    It is a computer program oriented to word processing.
  • 3D printer

    3D printer
    It is in 1983 when the North American Charles W. Hull, created the first 3D printed part using the process known as stereolithography.
    In 1986 he founded his own company, 3D Systems, the first 3D printing company.
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Jaron Lanier invented the virtual reality.
    The Virtual Reality is an environment of scenes and objects of real appearance generated by computer technology.
  • Office

    Microsoft Office is an office software package developed by Microsoft Corp. It is a set of applications that perform office tasks.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The Web was developed between March 1989 and December 1990 by the Englishman Tim Berners-LeeIt. It was the first internet browser and the first web page.
  • Amazon

    Jeffrey Bezos, 34, founded Amazon.com, an Internet book store, in Seattle in 1995. Before creating Amazon and becoming one of the richest men in the world, Jeff Bezos called his company Cadabra. The Bezos digital book store began operating under this name, which changed its name a year later.
  • Smartphone

    The world'2 first smartphone. The ´´Nokia 9000 Communicator´´. It had the characteristics of a desktop computer: office software, Internet and Fax.
    It sales began on August 15, in 1996.
  • Electric and hybrid car

    Electric and hybrid car
    First there were hybrids and currently, all brands are developing electric car models that they point to be the next big protagonist in cities. A change that affects the eternal and powerful world of oil, which must be transformed to adapt to our reality. There are few electric cars that are sold, but there are many arguments to think that in a few years they will come to stay.
  • Netflix

    It's founders were Reed Hastings and Marc Rudolph.
    Netflix, is an American entertainment company and subscription service that operates globally and whose main service is the distribution of audiovisual content through an online platform.
  • Google

    The history of Google begins in 1995, at Stanford University and it's founders are Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
    The main function of Google is to make it easier for users to use the Internet.
  • Iphone

    The first iPhone was launched in 2007. It had a capacitive touch screen, speaker and earpiece, microphone, 2 megapixel camera, headphone jack, EDGE and Wi-Fi connectivity.
    Steve Jobs was the fouder.
  • Instagram

    It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Kriege.
    Instagram is an application and social network of American origin, owned by Facebook, whose main function is to be able to share photos and videos with other users.
    It is currently one of the most used social networks.
  • 5G technology

    5G technology
    I have chosen it because the future is technology and this new mobile technology will increase the connection speed, reduce latency (the response time of the web) to a minimum and multiply the number of connected devices exponentially. In other words, we will be connected to everything, all day, and in the shortest possible time.