Period: to
The first Africans were brought to America in 1619 to Virginia. Slavery then persisted in America for 250 years until the ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865 after the civil war. -
Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, Slavery persisted for 100 more years. -
Emancipation Proclamation
States "that all persons held as slaves are and henceforward shall be free," only from seded states not yet under Union control if the Union wins. -
Black Codes
Not sure of exact date. These laws were designed to restrict freed blacks' activity and ensure their availability as a labor force. They were forced to sign yearly labor contracts or be arrested and forced to work for free. -
Virginia Mandate System of Public Education
No exact date given. The schools were "naturally" segregated. They relied on a white controlled state government to provide funding so they received less funding than white schools. -
Period: to
Jim Crow
Laws that enforced racial segregation in the South. -
Plessy v Ferguson
In 1892 Homer Plessy was arrested and inprisoned for sitting in the white car of the East Louisiana Railroad. Plessy argued this was unconstitutional based on the 13th and 14th amendments of the Constitution. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ferguson stating Loiusiana's segregation laws were not unconstitutional, enforcing and upholding separate but equal. -
Period: to
Inequitable expenditure
Expenses for all public schools in Florida per pupil were $91.80 for Whites and $52.61 for Blacks. -
Brown vs. Board
The Supreme Court ruled segregation of schools based on race was unconstitutional in the combined cases of the states of Delaware, Kansas, Virginia, South Carolina and Washington, D.C.. -
Period: to
Continued inequity
Per pupil expenses for White students in Florida was $193.04 and $179.07 for Blacks. -
The Gray Plan
Not sure of exact date. In Norfolk, VA the Gray Commission led by Senator Garland Gray made a plan to maintain segregation and elude the court system by diverting public funds to white students so they could attend private schools and avoid integration, a new pupil assignment plan and an amendment to the compulsary attendance law (Doyle, 2005). -
Florida Pupil Assignment Law
Give power to county school boards to assign pupils to schools based on "sociological, psychological and like intangible socio-scientific factors" (Borman et.al, 2004, p 610). Hillsborough county's special assignment application was six pages long and requested information from the receiving principal about the "compatibility of the student to the educational program and the psychological effect of the prospective student on your local community" (Borman et.al, 2004, p 610).
http://openjurist.o -
Little Rock 9
The first nine black students attend Little Rock Central High School three years after Brown vs. Board of Education. -
Shut down the schools
Not sure of exact date. School board in Norfolk decide to allow 17 Black children into the six middle and high schools. Instead of allowing the integration Governor Almond closed the six schhols and almost 10,000 students were out of school for 5 months (Doyle, 2005). -
Period: to
White Flight
White population of Norfolk fell by 28% and Black grew by 19%. By 1980 Blacks were 35 % of population (Doyle, 2005). -
Civil Rights Acts
Not sure of exact date. Forced schools to create true desegregation and use transportation if necessary (Borman et. al, 2004). -
Free Transportation
US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit order Norfolk school board to provide free transportation for desegregation purposes. -
Norfolk schools declared unitary (desegregated) and federal court supervision ended. -
Alternative segregation
Not sure of exact date. 7 out of 10 school districts in South have racially identifiable classrooms as result of ability grouping (Doughty, 1978). -
Larry P. v. Riles
The federal courts restrained the SanFrancisco Unified school district from placing black students in EMR classes based primarily on IQ test scores (Doughty, 1978). Mercer found that a California school district had INCORRECTLY assigned 91% of black students and 60% of Mexican students to EMR classes based on IQ tests (Doughty, 1978, pg. 167).
<a href='http://http://ca.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/fac.%5CFDCT%5CNCA%5C1979%5C19791016_0000044.NCA.htm/qx' >http://ca.findacase.com/ -
Debra P. vs. Turlington
In 1979 89% of Black 11th grade students and 995 of White 11th grade students had passed the communication section of Florida functional literacy test and 38% of Blacks and 81% of Whites passed the math (Bowman et.al, 2004). Court sided with the plaintiffs stating it is discriminatory to deny a diploma based on culturally biased testing. Tests could not be administered until students educated under the dual education system had graduated (1982-83 school year).
http://www.fldoe.org/asp/hsap/hs -
First day of School
I entered kindergarten at the age of four after passing an early entrance exam because of how my birthday fell. I hated it at first and never wanted to stay. I still dislike school. -
Norfolk end busing
Not sure of exact date. End busing of elementary students. 12 of 36 schools became more than 70% Black and 10 became 95% Black (Doyle, 2005). -
Not sure of exact date. Reseacrh done to show long term positive relationship between attending desegregated schools and obtaining employment in desegregated occupational work groups and attending desegregated colleges (Borman et. al, 2004). -
First Day at Gifted and Talented
I had been recommended for major work by my kindergarten teacher, but the only lower elementary for gifted and talented was on the far west side and my mother wouldn't let me go. So while this was new to me, most of my classmates knew each other and the "program." -
Blueprint 2000
Not sure of exact date. Governor Jeb Bush implement The Education Reform and Accountability Act in Florida. The "A+ plan says that every child can achieve and no child should be left behind (Bowman et.al, 2004).
http://www.afn.org/~afn29467/commed/bp2keraa.html -
Whitney Young Highsteppers
Today we won first place. This is my eigth grade year. I joined in the seventh grade even though I wasn't the most popular and was kind of a nerd I didn' let that stop me from joining teams and making the most of my school years. -
End of Forced Busing
Not sure of exact date. Judge Robert Krupansky ordered Cleveland district schools to stop assigning students to schools based on their race. -
First Place
I joined the John Marshall Lawyerettes in my freshman year of high school. That year we got fourth place. My softmore year we got new officers and won first place! -
National Honor's Society
I was nominated for the National Honor Society at the first opportunity, my sophomore year. I got in and was asked to join an officer's slate as secertary and we were elected. So my junior year I was secertary of the National Honor's Society and of the Lawyerettes. -
Not sure of exact date. Mr Ulatowski, my eleventh grade physics teacher, told me I couldn't be a civil engineer because I needed to be good at physics and I wasn't. He was also my mother's physics teacher. -
High school Graduation
I graduated third in my class which was such a disappointment to me. Everyone else was proud, but I wanted to be the best. -
The Ohio State University
I entered OSU with 30 credit hours and a partial scholarship. It seems great, but I lost a lot of the first time mistake options that freshman get because my second quarter I was a sophomore. -
No Child Left Behind
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act signed into law by George W. Bush very reminensent of his brother's Florida education plan.
http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html -
Substitute Teaching
After graduating OSU in 2004 and being unable to find a job in my field, I got a position as a substitute teacher with the Cleveland schools. I found that I liked it a lot and was pretty good at it. Maybe a blessing in disguise. I had several long term positions and teachers request me. -
Child Development
Not sure of exact date. I was once again the only black student in my class at John Carroll. I always knew, but was not uncomfortable until one of my fellow students had to point out in her comment that "we are all caucasian, except for you." It had no bearing on her statement to point me out in that way. I still wonder why?