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Three-Event Erikson Timeline (Elizabeth)

  • Elizabeth’s Ballet Realization: Industry versus Inferiority

    Elizabeth’s Ballet Realization: Industry versus Inferiority
    Elizabeth (age 10) has begun to realize that she is not quite as good as the other girls in her ballet class and starts to feel inadequate because she doesn’t measure up to them. In Erikson’s fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, the crisis is between comparing oneself and feeling a sense of pride or accomplishment for feeling as though you measure up or surpass expectations (industry) and feeling inadequate or inferior as if you don’t quite measure up to everyone else (inferiority).
  • Elizabeth’s Decision to get Married: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Elizabeth’s Decision to get Married: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Elizabeth (age 22) decides to finally get married to her college boyfriend Grant so that they can travel the world together and spend the rest of their lives living for each other. In Erikson’s sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between sharing your whole self and becoming united with someone in a committed and intimate relationship (intimacy) or choosing to not open up to other people and refrain from being in a committed relationship (isolation).
  • Elizabeth Becoming a Great-Grandmother: Ego Integrity versus Despair

    Elizabeth Becoming a Great-Grandmother: Ego Integrity versus Despair
    Elizabeth just found out that she is going to be a great-grandmother. Hearing this great news, she looks back on the 85 years of her life and realizes that there are very few things that she regrets. In Erikson’s eighth stage, ego integrity versus despair, the crisis is between looking back and accepting your choices—including the good and the bad (ego integrity) and wondering what “could have” or “should have” happened, while facing your end with regrets and feelings of despair (despair).